Zhentarim Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The Zhentarim, also known as the Black Network, is an unscrupulous shadow network that seeks to expand its influence and power base throughout Terra Caelum. Its members crave wealth and personal power, though the public face of the organisation appears much more benign, offering the best mercenaries money can buy. Adventurers allied with the Zhentarim are free to profit as they see fit, either by helping or hindering the giants.   The Black Network has spies and operatives in every major northern settlement, and it doesn't wish to see its footholds destroyed by rampaging giants, dragons, or other raiders. As it strives to protect its holdings, the Zhentarim also wants to understand the giants' motivations. The leaders of the Black Network are open to the possibility of establishing trade relations with the giants or bribing them, if necessary, to ensure their own continued wealth and prosperity. At the same time, the Zhentarim profits by selling the services of mercenaries to those who can't defend themselves.  

Tyranny of Dragons

Unknown to all but a few, the heart of the Zhentarim is a cabal of evil and sometimes monstrous leaders who seek to extend the Black Network's blood-soaked reach into every assassination, black market, and illegal deal that happens in Terra Caelum. The order's criminal connections burrow into every major city and thieves' guild in the west and along the Sword Coast. Wherever a city's coinage is disastrously undermined by counterfeiting, wherever an up-and-coming business runs roughshod over its established competitors, and wherever a political struggle turns to widespread intimidation, it's a safe bet that the Zhentarim are involved.   However, engaging in mainstream corruption and wanting to see Tiamat ascendant are two different things. The Zhentarim have no illusions about what the Dragon Queen's return would mean for their plans. Wanting to secretly rule the world from the shadows for themselves, the leaders of the Black Network have no desire to become agents and errand-runners for some petty god and her dragon cohorts.   This viewpoint makes the Zhentarim an interesting addition to the characters' possible allies. Under normal circumstances, the Harpers, the Alliance, the Order of the Gauntlet, and the Emerald Enclave would shun ties to the Black Network—and possibly arrest its emissaries. However, the crisis created by the Dragon Archivists is unprecedented. Every resource that can be mustered will be needed in the final showdown against the cult, and the Zhentarim's network of spies, assassins, and mercenary armies cannot be ignored.   Even with the fate of the world and the Zhentarim's own future hanging in the balance, the order demands payment for services—and where need and risk are greatest, the pay is expected to be equally great. This mercenary attitude does not sit well with the Alliance, however, and they are the only group with the resources to pay the Black Network's price.   At least one Black Network mission is carried out regardless of payment. Without the knowledge of anyone outside the Zhentarim, one of their agents infiltrated the cult and gets close enough to Wyrmspeaker Varram to steal the White Dragon Mask.  


The Black Network has an open recruitment policy. Anyone can join. Tenacity and loyalty are highly valued (but not essential) traits in new members.   The Zhentarim is a shadow organization that trades mercenaries and goods (including weapons) for profit. It has long sought to gain political influence in Waterdeep, but the strength of the city's Masked Lords, nobility, and professional guilds makes that difficult.   The Zhentarim in Waterdeep is a fractured organization. Those who support Manshoon want to destroy Xanathar and seize political and economic control of the city. Those who oppose Manshoon want to expose and destroy him before they are themselves apprehended or driven out of the city by the local authorities.   Adventurers can't join Manshoon's cause, but they can join and receive aid from the Zhents who are opposed to him. The leaders of this branch of the Black Network are retired adventurers who have become business entrepreneurs. Their adventuring party was called the Doom Raiders because their speciality was plundering lich lairs (which are called "dooms"). They are desperately trying to gain a legitimate economic foothold in Waterdeep, which requires making alliances with local guilds and nobles. Manshoon's war against the Xanathar Guild has thrown their plans into upheaval.   The Doom Raiders consider themselves the true Zhentarim of Waterdeep. The group's leaders are Davil Starsong (Master of Opportunities and Negotiations), Istrid Horn (Master of Trade and Coin), Skeemo Weirdbottle (Master of Magic), Tashlyn Yafeera (Master of Arms and Mercenaries), and Ziraj the Hunter (Master of Assassination).
Founding Date
Illicit, Syndicate
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