Ruby Pass Geographic Location in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Ruby Pass

The Ruby Pass is a large mountain pass that winds through the Rubygold Mountains. The Ruby Pass itself are in fact multiple mountain passes that intertwine. The most well-known passage that is associated with the pass is a valley that serves as a major trade route. The pass goes straight through the mountains and connect the Shadowed Vale to Thay.  

Dragon Lair

A rare dragon has nested many miles west, high up in the Rubygold Mountains, making the Ruby Pass its lair. As a result, shards of red ruby have started growing from the mountainside, and while this might seem good for a bustling town of miners, the gems appear to have tainted and poisoned the nearby river. Who knows why the dragon has nested here, though it is commonly known that dragons keep a large hoard of treasure within their lair.  

Bards' Camp

A group of bards have made camp down at the foothills of the dragon lair. The bards are mixed between a majority of humans, some wood elves, and satyrs, including Fridae sometimes, when they want to get away from the urban life of Free Peach City. Two of the humans, Elinór Veigarsson and Kelemen are Uthgardt in origin but left their tribes to follow the art of music. They live here all year round and brew a traditional Uthgardt herbal tea that is on a separate plane of existence to regular tea. The dragon tainting the area is bad for the bards as they shall no longer be able to brew tea here and will have to find a new spot to converge.  


This area overlooks the entire valley of the Shadowed Vale, and Phandalin can be seen in the distance. It is at this level of which the dragon lives.  
Mountain Pass
Location under

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