Siege of the Free Peach Military Conflict in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Siege of the Free Peach

Marjorie's Day was well underway when a sudden shift in the wind brought with it a strange sense of unease. The feeling was akin to the drop in air pressure before the approach of a deadly storm, or faint tremors felt from a landslide or earthquake far away. The city itself went unnaturally quiet suddenly. No dogs barked, no birds squawked. Even the street vendors had gone silent. The silence lasted only a moment before the normal sounds of Free Peach returned to mask the unexplained sensation. Once in a quiet place again, however, the townsfolk could notice the disturbance again, like a rumbling almost too faint to hear. As well, subtle changes in the behaviour of animals can be noted. Dogs were nervous and on edge, horses skittish, cats more feral than usual, and rats were beginning to gather in large, bold packs. People with sensitivity started to get affected, becoming nervous, fearful, and impatient. The Dragonborn Dirk, in town after visiting Allbright Cottage picked up on its call, understanding the summons of the dragons. Rowan and Nate were visiting Helen Hellen in the market square, while Gemini was perusing Helen's finest axes when the siege began.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type


  • Free Peach City

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