The Great Tyranny Military Conflict in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The Great Tyranny

The Great Tyranny, also known as the Tyranny of Dragons, was the war waged by the dragon queen Tiamat and her servants, the Cult of the Dragon to give Terra Caelum back to the chromatic dragons.  


The main conflicts that occurred as a prelude to the Great Tyranny were the Raid of the Hosttower and the Battle for Hero's Point. Loyalists intent on bringing back the dragon queen caused these events to stir up chaos in Terra Caelum, but also to try and stamp out factions that could prove to be enemies to the cause.  

Siege of Salzenstadt

Before the Siege of the Free Peach, the Cult of the Dragon infiltrated Salzenstadt and cut off all of its sources of communications. Then, they proceeded to lay siege to the city, not stopping until they forced the Order of the Gauntlet to completely surrender it to the Cult of the Dragon. It was shortly after this that the Draakhorn was sounded.  

Siege of the Free Peach

Marjorie's Day was well underway when a sudden shift in the wind brought with it a strange sense of unease. The feeling was akin to the drop in air pressure before the approach of a deadly storm, or faint tremors felt from a landslide or earthquake far away. The city itself went unnaturally quiet suddenly. No dogs barked, no birds squawked. Even the street vendors had gone silent. The silence lasted only a moment before the normal sounds of Free Peach returned to mask the unexplained sensation. Once in a quiet place again, however, the townsfolk could notice the disturbance again, like a rumbling almost too faint to hear. As well, subtle changes in the behaviour of animals can be noted. Dogs were nervous and on edge, horses skittish, cats more feral than usual, and rats were beginning to gather in large, bold packs. People with sensitivity started to get affected, becoming nervous, fearful, and impatient. The Dragonborn Dirk, in town after visiting Allbright Cottage picked up on its call, understanding the summons of the dragons. Rowan and Nate were visiting Helen Hellen in the market square, while Gemini was perusing Helen's finest axes when the siege began.  

Battle of the Midlands

The Wyrmspeaker, Neronvain, lured the armies of the west to defend the border at the midlands. He demanded to speak with Lizzy, and if he did not get to do that, he would unleash the full might of an army of dragons on the Alliance.  

Destruction of Anthor

While the Battle of the Midlands transpired, the dragons attacking the Free Peach flew westward, until they settled on Anthor. The summoning of a gargantuan eldritch hydra was enough to reduce the city to rubble, while Laeral Silverhand and her Crownsguard evacuated the city.  

Defense of Tinkertown

After trapping Alliance members in Tinkertown, Severin set to weaken the town's defenses and take the heroes down.  

Creation of the Shadowfell

The Raven Queen finally awoke from her haze, and to protect the Shadowed Vale from the wrath of Tiamat and the Dark Powers she dragged the country into her realm of the Plane of Half-Shadows and created the Shadowfell.  

Battle for the Wild Woods

Dani Thann approached the adventurers after they returned from dispatching Varram the White. He spoke of the draconic incursions in the Wild Woods mentioned at the council, and says that the Emerald Enclave's agents have been working with the support of Jorah Thorn to prevent a new round of attacks. With other Harpers agents already scattered throughout the Wild Woods, he wanted the adventurers to travel to one of the few dragon-raided settlements left standing in the aftermath—a village called Bramblebuck. If Dani’s belief that the mysterious master of the green dragon was one of the cult’s wyrmspeakers was true, the survivors of Bramblebuck might know something that would help find him. The Green Wyrmspeaker was seeking the vault behind the Thorned Heart, in the Spirit Vale beneath the Wild Woods.  

The Darkonian Front

The heroes learned of the location of the Black Wyrmspeaker. Hades and Narrian summoned the Darkonian Knights to retrieve the Black Dragon Mask. The mask itself was found in an Ostorian dungeon, in a giant's trove of treasure, kept under lock and key by Frostessa the Vile. Frostessa had teamed up with the Witch-Queen Iggwilv to defend this trove and intend to use the dragon mask to barter with Severin and the Cult of the Dragon  

Battle at the Well of Dragons

The Alliance, after taking down much of the higher ups in the Cult of the Dragon, took the fight directly to the Well of Dragons in an attempt to stop Tiamat's resurrection ritual.

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