Skull Lord Species in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Skull Lord

A skull lord is a formidable undead creature that commanded many types of lesser undead. Skull lords have claimed vast regions of the Shadowfell as their dominion. From these blighted lands, they wage war against their rivals, commanding hordes of undead in a bid to establish dominance. Yet skull lords always prove to be their own worst enemies; as a combined being born from three hateful individuals, they constantly plot against themselves.  

Creatures of Betrayal

Infighting and treachery brought the skull lords into existence. The first of them appeared in the aftermath of Vecna's bid to conquer the world of Grescha, after the vampire Kas betrayed Vecna and took his eye and hand. In the confusion resulting from this turn of events, Vecna's warlords turned against each other, and the dark one's plans were dashed. In a rage, Vecna gathered up his generals and captains and bound them in groups of three, fusing them into undead abominations cursed to fight among themselves for all time. Since the first skull lords were exiled into shadow, others have joined them, typically after being created from other leaders who betrayed their masters.  

Undead Nature

Skull lords have a skeletal humanoid appearance, but have two extra skulls, one each side of the central one. The central skull is adorned with a crown. These undead typically carry a powerful staff of bone that has a small skull on both ends.   Being undead, these skeletal beings do not breathe or sleep, and don't require any nourishment from food and drink. These creatures are very perceptive and have sufficient darkvision.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution

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