The Plane of Half-Shadows Geographic Location in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The Plane of Half-Shadows


This plane is co-located with the Material Plane. So although someone in this plane of existence cannot physically touch things and beings in the Material Plane, they can (dimly) see into it and observe what happens. This ability to see into it is limited, and functions best where there are dark shadows. The darker the shadows, the better one can observe, while the places corresponding to well-lit areas or places of absolute blackness just show up as opaquely thick fog banks in the Plane of Half-Shadows.   Spies and thieves speak with wonder of the incredible power this plane offers for surveillance since it allows peeking out from the shadows while being unobserved, not to mention the ability to pass through walls and other solid objects. What these would-be spectators neglect to mention is the significant danger to the unskilled in meddling with travel to this plane. While there are numerous tomes that teach the meditative states or magical processes for entering the Plane of Half-Shadows, most of these sources do not address the question of how to return. Many a skilled rogue has thought themselves masters after discovering how to enter the Half-Shadow state, but then found themselves marooned in an unforgiving landscape of shadow and fog, where nothing is solid (even the residents of this plane are intangible) and they are incapable of affecting the world, except that their loudest screams make their friends and loved ones back on the Material Plane feel slightly uneasy around regions of deep shadows.   Eventually this disturbance ceases when the plane traveler dies of starvation leaving their bones behind in the half-shadows.

Natural Resources

Ethereal glass can be found in this realm.
Alternative Name(s)
Spyglass Realm
Dimensional plane
Included Locations
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species
Related Professions

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