Thane Kayalithica Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Thane Kayalithica

Thane Kayalithica

Kayalithica is the ruler of the stone giants of Deadstone Cleft

Mental characteristics

Personal history

There, in its hallowed halls, she hoped to elevate her people to the top of the ordning by first seeking divine inspiration. Deadstone Cleft is hidden within the Salt Mountains, west of Mirabar, and northwest of its mines. After weeks of meditation, Kayalithica concluded that the small folk had corrupted the dreams of all giants by building their wretched settlements on the bones of ancient Ostoria. She intends to wipe the land clean of their "filth," thus restoring the "dream world" to its rightful state. Kayalithica's stone giants strike forth from Deadstone Cleft to destroy the works of humans, dwarves, and elves, then return to carve the tales of their accomplishments into the walls for the gods to see and admire.
Current Location

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