The Black Jack Item in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The Black Jack

The Black Jack is a mithril warhammer, originally given to Dirk by Cait Sídhe. After Dirk left his adventuring group, it was passed on to Lir   The weapon was made by the mysterious Dullahan known only as Jack.  

Mithril Craft

The weapon can now be wielded with one hand and deals the amount of damage it would have dealt if used with two hands. Mithril also removes the Heavy property.  


This weapon can be used with one or two hands.  

Dark Iron

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls you make with this weapon.  

Improved (II)

The warhammer gains a +4 bonus and its base damage dice is doubled.  

Infused Shadowfell Shard

Because Duke Zalto infused Lir's Shadowfell Shard into the Black Jack, you can use the warhammer as a spellcasting focus while you hold it. When you use a Metamagic option on a spell while you are holding or wearing the shard, you can momentarily curse one creature targeted by the spell; choose one ability score, and until the end of your next turn, the creature has disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws that use that ability.   Jack’s Magic. This warhammer has 10 charges, it regains 1d8 charges at midnight. You may expend charges to cast spells from the table below. For any saves a target has to make for these spells, the DC is 14 or your spell save DC, whichever is higher.
by Bonus Action
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder
Related ethnicities
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
The Black Jack is made of unique mithril.
Related Materials

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