Zealot Seiddit's Preparatory School for Righteous Girls Building / Landmark in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Zealot Seiddit's Preparatory School for Righteous Girls

Zealot Seiddit's Preparatory School for Righteous Girls is a prep school in the heart of Yerentil's southern district. It is run by followers of the Church of Seiddit, and some Yerentilian loyalists. It was shut down in the Spring of 8007 after a long Alliance investigation, given an anonymous tip that found a connection between the Church of Seiddit and Eclipse.  

Church Servants

Clad in the garbs of the church, these tall and pale humanoids stand twice as tall as humans. With little autonomy of their own, they serve the Church of Seiddit as enforcers and protectors of the prep school. Clearly, they are not fully human. Considering the resources and experimentation of the church, many of the common folk believe them to be enhanced members of the church, better suited to fight threats of the church.  

Vicar Orildur

Vicar Orildur was the last principal of the prep school. He was also the leader of this sect of the Church of Seiddit. He was devoted to the church, who followed the instructions of the high priestess Merle. He was a deva in the guise of high elf. He wields a holy lantern overflowing with radiant energy.  

Matron Lois

Matron Lois was the matron of the class of 8007. In her class, she had tutored future queen London Carnation before she dropped out. London never graduated from Zealot Seiddit's, receiving tutelage elsewhere.  

Matron Marguerite

Matron Marguerite was the matron of the class of 8008. She oversaw the graduation of Cathy Allbright, shortly before the school was shut down by the Alliance. She, like all matrons, was given the information on Cathy's lineage, in particular the identity and location of her mother.
Founding Date
Parent Location

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