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Nightmantle Armor

An arcane warrior's glowing eyes pierce the darkness in front of them. They see everything like it was mid-day. They see Everything, yet, not Everyone. A silent shadow slinks up the wall, right under the guard's nose.  
The young assassin crouches perfectly still in the tall grass, still not trusting the chain shirt given by the Guild. As his target and their guards approach, he prepares to leap. He lunges forward, thrusting his blade deep into the ribs of the old man. Even though he was standing right there, the guards couldn't find the boy.

DnD 5e hombrew

Nightmantle Armor

Armor (Medium)

Legendary by member of Nightmantles Requires Attunement

When attuned to the armor anyone trying to recall you must make a DC 20 Wisdom save. Your stealth modifier also increases by 10. Except for when the Full Moon shows her face, you can become inperceivable to all for a total of 10 minutes. You can turn this off whenever. When you use the ability for the 10 minutes you cannot use this feature until the next dusk. When the Full Moon is present and you try to use this ability it fails, instead you are corrupted by the dark powers of Anima magic. Roll on the Indefinite Term Madness table(Basic Rules, chapter 15).

The chain shirt made of Shadowalker steel, keeps the identity of the user hidden from the world

Type AC STR Req. Stealth Dis.
Medium 13+Dex No

Weight: 10 lbs

Mechanics & Inner Workings

One of the few Anima enchantments that doesn't seem to warp the user's mind and soul is laced in the armor. The Shadow's Footprints keeps anyone who isn't wearing the armor from perceiving the wearer while it is active, and makes it hard to remember what they look like when its not.

Manufacturing process

A mixture of any metal, usually steel or iron, and Anima gems during the new moon creates an alloy known as Shadowalker Steel. This alloy is capable of holding the needed enchantment. The alloy is shaped into rings and forged into a chain shirt. The last portion of the process is unknown because of the secrecy of the Guild.
The armor is taken into th-ugh. I knew this was a bad idea.
— Nightmantle contact
As it would seem, the contact wasn't wearing the armor themselves. Neither interviewer nor the contact could see the assassin. 


The layers of enchantments in the links allow the wearer to go completely unnoticed, even able to sneak past the enhanced senses of the Draconian High Guard. The wearer will not leave a single trace that they were in the area except for the corpse of their target.
Only the most highly esteemed members will be given the gift of this armor. The inner circle, the Stalkers, craft the armor when a member is promoted to lead a branch or when a high profile target is removed without incident.
This was the information gained on the armor's significance because of a previously mentioned event.
Item type
Current Location
Owning Organization
Only certain members of the elusive group of assassins known as Nightmantles will be seen wearing this shadow-wreathed armor.
Besides the regular tools to craft chain mail, the only unique tools are Anima gems and a mortar and pestle.
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