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The Wanderer

(a.k.a. The Nameless Hero, Guardian General)

Note on the Wanderer found in the Book of Heroes; dated 15th of Sáðveir, 1298 AR: The Heroes of the World's story come from many different races, regions, and backgrounds. Most have their names recorded to the history books. However there are some who's names are unknown, whether that be from it being lost to time or it never being told in the first place. The Nameless Hero is one example of a name never seemingly given. No recordings of who they really are exist as of this date, but a rough idea of their appearance is known.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Wanderer is a powerfully built warrior, standing taller than the average human. Even with his build, he shows an unnatural level of grace and dexterity. This allows him to seamlessly switch between a more brutish fighting style with heavy, shattering strike and a more fluid one characterized by flourishes and feints.

Facial Features

The Wanderer has a sharp, chiseled jaw and high cheekbones. While these characteristics are usually characteristics seen in half-elves, he doesn't show any other signs of elvish heritage. The only other possible heritages that his major facial features would point to are fiendish and draconic. As of 23rd of Apex Solis, 1300 AR, no other evidence points towards fiendish ancestors and the possibility of draconic heritage is unclear.   Another facial feature that acts as a pointer towards his heritages is his eyes. Only two other people have been noted to have a gold ring around their pupils. That person would be the Second Elder of Flame, Draco Elara, and his daughter, Chloe. This trait leads to possible connections to the Knights of the Throne that were the guardian of the Draconian throne before the Resurrection. The timeline would allow the possibility of him being the child of Chloe, as he was born 10 years after the establishment of Brelimond. (Post interview note: The Wanderer says he knows for sure that his mother is not Queen Chloe.)

Identifying Characteristics

Besides his eyes, the Wanderer has few identifying physical traits. Various scars from the various monsters he has fought cover his body. Notable ones include; along his ribs from the Purple Worm, just above his collar bone from a close encounter with a vampire, and arborescent scars around his right forearm gained while fighting a kraken.

Apparel & Accessories

Most of the time the Wanderer can be seen wearing plain clothes designed for travelling or scouting with a deep cowled cloak. A pair of ornate metal bracers adore his wrists and a simple longsword hangs at his hip. He often has a coin that symbolizes his rank and his connections with Heflen.   Other common outfits seen include; full plate armor, clothes designed for a noble's court with a cloth mask, and an commoner clothes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When questioned about his life before coming over from Brelimond, the Wanderer claimed to have little to no knowledge of that time period. He said that everything is quite fuzzy up until boarding the boat to Moorgate.(Note from scribe: Why does he have to make it so hard to figure out who he truly is!)   After getting off in Eastview, The Nameless Hero started a life as a freelance mercenary. Through these jobs, he got one of his titles, The Wanderer. Both the Warrior's guild and the Frost Knights extended their hands in recruitment. The Wanderer accepted the invitation from the main guild. This allowed him to take jobs with higher stakes and higher rewards. He pushed back, and perhaps eradicated, the vampires in Moorgate, tempered the rage of dragons, giants, krakens, and all other manner of titan-like monsters. The title of The Nameless Hero was created as a slight against him since he refused to reveal his name and had become a legend among the people.(Note from scribe: I know that was kinda dumb, but at this point I think he's just doing it out of spite towards me!)   When the sparks of war between Moorgate and Heflen began to stir, The Wanderer was quickly found himself at the center from connections to the problems causing the war(See Employment for more specifics).   While he does still have the title of Legate and has powerful connections, The Wanderer still chooses to mostly live as a blacksmith in Drago Forjd.


Rumors say that the Wanderer was a simple mercenary from Brelimond who came to Moorgate in search for work. He quickly gained renown.   The Nameless Hero has worked with multiple groups including the Mage's guild, Warrior's guild, and various guard regiments. He has also travelled with various other adventurers. He was offered the role of Guildmaster for both the main Warrior's guild and its northern off-shoot, the Frost Knights. None of the people who have learned his name have chosen to reveal his name.(Much to the chagrin of the scribe recording this information)   When the war between Moorgate and Heflen broke out(see:Empire of Moorgate vs. Heflen), the Wanderer ended up becoming the guardian of Runa Ragnadottir, the heir to the Heflian throne. He fought a couple dozen battles and skirmishes during the war, gaining a position as a notable Legate for Moorgate.   Now, The Wanderer can either be found in Drago Forjd as a blacksmith or somewhere in Moorgate or Igia as a mercenary.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The Wanderer has been noted to have single-handedly defeated three monsters that the Mage's Guild classes as titans and lead that charge against five more. During the war against Heflen(see above), he led a legion to victory against impossible odds and managed to hold the Agreagordian swamp and Serpent's Pass with seeming ease.   While on his travels, the Wanderer collected a variety of powerful magical items, as well as making a few of his own. Some notable items include; The Hammer of the Forgemaster and the Bolide Blade.

Failures & Embarrassments

A notable failure of the Wanderer's is the destruction of Redway(now Ravenmore). One of the first titan-class monsters he has faced, a Purple Worm. Purple Worms are gargantuan, worm-like creatures that borrow deep underground. Periodically they will come to the surface, bringing death and destruction with them. Their poison is enough to bring down even some of the most powerful heroes. While he did save many of the occupants of Redway, they city was leveled and thousands died. The Wanderer had been struck by the creature and nearly succumbed to the venom.

Personality Characteristics


Even though he claims to have no clear knowledge of his life before boarding that ship from Brelimond, the Wanderer said that the reason why he came to Moorgate and later Heflen was because he felt drawn by something beyond himself. He stated that perhaps it was destiny (Note from scribe: Not only did he say perhaps it was destiny he became who he is, but he shrugged like it was no big deal!).

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He has shown talents is multiple forms of combat, both ranged and melee. He seems to be a natural-born leader and tactician. When it comes to magical skill, he lacks much skill in arcane and anima magics, but makes it up with Runic magics and Ferromancy.


Runa Ragnadottir

Ward and Friend (Vital)

Towards The Wanderer



The Wanderer

Guardian and Friend (Important)

Towards Runa Ragnadottir



Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Nameless Hero has picked up several names and titles over his time. These titles include The Wanderer and Guardian General. Rumors around the capital of Heflen place him as the Queen's consort.
Year of Birth
1272 AR 28 Years old
Green with gold rings
Long, mainly brown with burgundy highlights
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly tanned
6' 2"

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