Ciartos Sagewing Character in Terra Novus | World Anvil
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Ciartos Sagewing

He had a nice upbringing, living with both parents and two sisters in the village of Fyre.   However a job opportunity lead to his whole family moving to the East, where they setup a small store selling wares to travellers.   Live was nice, slow moving but generous, and Ciartos was able to learn the ways of the Wood Elves in a lot more detail, and earning respect of many of the Elders.   However, 10 years ago whilst he was away, he learned of an attack on the village by Orcs in which his whole family had been killed. He returned to find the village in Ruin, and was one of the first to help start to rebuild.   He re-build and opened an Inn one the crossroads, only to help give the people who had returned a place to eat and shelter.   During his first year, his contacts he had made often came to visit, and they started up an underground organisaition - to assist those in need and to hunt and kill any who had brought pain or suffering on those same people.
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