Bowbridge Settlement in Terra Novus | World Anvil
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Bowbridge is a proud town, rebuilt upon its own ruins after it was invaded by an Orc Horde around 10 years before.   Once a bustling market town, it now takes the form of around 10 buildings and a pile of rubble and dirt.   The people here are a strong bunch and will one day bring the town back to its former glory.  
As you arrive in the Town you notice there are no walls, or gates, or any form of real defence. The town itself is made up of 9 or 10 wood built houses, single storey, around a central courtyard in which stands a large oak tree. On closer inspection you see the tree has name plates pinned all over its trunk and branches, lots and lots of name plates in fact.   The outside of the town remains a wreck, with buildings and walls laying in piles on the floor, you can tell this town would once have had a busy market place, and rows of well kept houses, all now reduced to nothing more than bricks and stones on the ground.   One of the buildings, painted an off red, seems to be performing the duty of the Town Hall, a small noticeboard hangs outside. Across the street is a small Tavern, because there is always a tavern somewhere.


Mainly human and dwarven population although the owner of the Tavern is a Wood Elf and also acts as the local doctor when called upon.


None apart from the occasional piles of rubble which would slow any attackers down a little.

Industry & Trade

Farming, mainly arable but also some mountain Goats.


Poor, what little they have they are working on rebuilding. A single road runs from the North to the South side of the town, which is mainly situated around the Oak Tree courtyard.


A once proud town which was ransacked by Orcs around 10 years before. The buildings were all destroyed, many people who couldn't escape were killed. The Orcs became bored of the Town and headed back east into the Mountains around 7 years ago, and most likely will never return.

Points of interest

The tree of lives, upon which are hung the name of all the families who perished during the orc invasion. Each year every name is read out at a ceremony by the current Town Mayor.


Low tourist rates, mainly only ever people who became lost on their travels.


Inhabitant Demonym
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