The Jolly Harper Tavern Building / Landmark in Terra Novus | World Anvil
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The Jolly Harper Tavern

The Jolly Harper was built on the remains of the 'Old Harpers Forge' where, if rumour is to be believed, an illegal Mead brewing company were building a well known reputation as suppliers of the black market.   The new Owner, Ciartos Sagewing is a highly respected Wood Elf, he is fair of face and of mind, but also seeks justice for all those who need it in the area. It is believed he is part of an illegal group who specialise in 'dark arts' and 'revenge' against those who force injustice in the poor and needy.  
A small Inn with a modest selection of Ales and Food. This tavern is perfectly respectable for lunch or early dinner, but be wary at night. If a burning candle is set in the front window, that signals a meeting between the tavern keeper and another illegal vigilante group is taking place..
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