Frei Settlement in Terra Novus | World Anvil
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Frei (Fru-ay)

Such beauty to behold in every eyefull of this wonderous place. The Elves have exceeded themselves in taking what was already prevailant in Nature and bringing it to the wonder of this city...this is a place one must truly see with ones own eyes to believe how radiance can look.
The Coastal City of Frei, majestically rising from the Great sea towards the mountains. A magical place, although the story of how it came to be is one of sadness as old as time. One of the two cities that make up The Twins region.


Coastal Elves make up around 50% of the total population, the remainder is equally divided between Humans, Elves (mixed) and other humanoids. A very opulent town, the majority of the populace would be seen as 'well off' or 'well to do' however a fair amount of low income can be seen throughout the working and serving classes of the city.


Lawful with high taxation. Strong Police presence and very low levels of crime.


One of the two cities that make up The Twins. Built by Frei, the daughter of the late king of the Coastal Elves, Trigoran Iemoth.
Founding Date
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
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