The Twins Settlement in Terra Novus | World Anvil
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The Twins (The Te-whin-s)

The History of the Twin Cities of Frei and @arai is one of heartbreak and pain. In the ages before our time, the King and Queen of the Coastal elves, Trigoran and Peyon Iemoth, gave birth to twin daughters Frei and Arai. In the years to come both daughters would spend much of their time vying for the affection of their father. After years of this, Trigoran decided to set about a competition so both girls could push their efforts into a long lasting legacy toward the good of all Coastal Elves. He betrothed upon them both a sum of money never seen before, and most likely never to be seen again, and set them away to build the most beautiful settlements the North West coast had ever seen. Both girls set about this task immediately, paying the finest builders, architects and suchlike vast sums of money to follow them to the locations they had decided would best suit such majesty. It took many years, during which neither of the twins spoke to each other, and indeed hardly even visited home, preferring to stay and supervise the building work of their respective towns. Sadly neither of the daughters lived to see the completion of their cities due to illness, and they both died only a few days apart. Now old and in ill health themselves, Trigoran and Peyon gave both cities to the people of the Coast Elves, and named them after each Daughter. To this day they still both stand, a testament to times gone bye, and many great scholars will debate until the end of days which of the cities is indeed the most beautiful. The City of Frei with its ornate Gardens, and narrow streets. Its bustling markets and the view of the Great Sea. Or the City of Arai with its towers glistening with jewels and ornate architecture, and the wide open squares and vistas. One thing is certain, there are no other cities in the North of the Kingdom, and probably in the whole of the world, that come close to the beauty of the twins, to this day or in the future.   To this day the Twin cities are extremely close in Trade and Polical views, they also provide protection to the smaller towns in the Northen Coast areas.   The armed forces of both cities have been called into action three times, twice they fought off an Orc army from the north with very few causalties, however the 'Great War of the North' took a far greater toll, and although ultimately victorious the scars and loss of the battles took many hundreds of years to fade.   There has not been any conflict of note in this area for over 50 years now, and peace seems to be commonplace.
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