Lizard & Frog Building / Landmark in Terra Novus | World Anvil
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Lizard & Frog

My initial hope was that I would make it out alive, after I realised this was entirely possible my thought soon focused on finding a medical facility in the immediate vicinity for the bout of food poisoning I was about to succomb to...not reccomended unless your are deaf and do not require use of your liver for a few weeks.
The Lizard and Frog is a low rate establishment, serving the less well off clientelle and any travelling folk who happy to pass by its doors unaware of the joy to be found inside.  
A two story, sun trimmed, clay building with a beige shingle and wood beam roof.   The sign outside is the only part of this building that looks less than 100 years old, and even it creaks slowly in the breeeze above the solid black wooden door.   As you enter you will notice the music is far to loud for the small room it is coming from.   The Barman is a Rock Gnome called Winkar Grimclub who is whistling to himself, although its inaudible over the music itself.   The Floor is solid Oak, surprisingly clean and well kept.   The Bar itself is a standard size with quite a few stools (some more broken than others) arranged in a higgledy fashion.

Room Rates

Single Rooms (small and uncomfortable) available for 3 sp per night.


Coconut Boar Chops (1 sp) Cured Yogurt Mutton (1 sp) Fire-Grilled Western-Style Trout (1 sp) Roasted Rosemary Chicken liver (1 sp) Plum and Papaya Waffles (1 sp) Pistachio and Elderberry Custard (1 sp)    


Red wheat beer (5 cp) Lost Raven Beer (5 cp) Worm & Cat ale (5 cp) Apple and Orange Mixer (2 cp) Elven Mead (4 cp)    
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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