Trais Terth Settlement in Terra Novus | World Anvil
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Trais Terth

Ah the glorious smell of the sea, hiding the stench of workers sweat and industrial sewage from the main port. The air may not be fresh, but the seafood certainly is, a wealth of taste experiences for the traveller can be found down every street and in ever tavern, but bring a peg for your nose...
The Coastal City of Trais Terth is a mix of both opulence and oppression in equal Measure. Its Docklands are filled with Sailors and those looking for work, but travel to the south Coastal areas of the City and you will see stunning architecture and wealth aplenty.


High Seawalls with turret points manned with Cannons and Archery posts. Inland the Town is fortified with strong stone walls and gatehouses as several key locations.

Industry & Trade

The Port is a wealth of Food import and export as well as other Maritime trades and shipbuilding.


North Coast Port Central Districts (Working Class) South Coast Harbour (Upper Class)
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations


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