Mrs Biggins Pies Item in Terra Novus | World Anvil
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Mrs Biggins Pies

Many a time have I walked out of a restaurant if they do not offer at least one or two varieties of Mrs Biggins Pies, certainly no self respecting Tavern would be without them on the menu...
Infamous around all the lands of Terra Novus, Mrs Biggins' Pies are a delicacy. Since her humble beginnings at Mrs Biggins Pie Shop in Haven, the pies she makes were soon the talk of local Villages and Towns, and then Cities and even regions. Nowadays any fine eatery will display a sign proclaming 'We Proudly Serve Mrs Biggins Pies'.   The favourite varieties include :  
  • Pork and Pinecone
  • Pickled Parsnip
  • Rabbit and Racoon
  • Beef and Stilton
  • Chicken and Slug (made popular by Goblin clientele)
  • Currently Sold in the following locations :  
  • The Three Badgers Inn
  • Item type
    Consumable, Food / Drink
    Current Location
    Base Price
    4 CP


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