The Three Badgers Inn Building / Landmark in Terra Novus | World Anvil
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The Three Badgers Inn

At first glance it looks like the sort of establishment you will be lucky to leave, however dig beneath the surface and you will find a friendly, homely Tavern serving fresh food and wonderful ales...
The Three Badgers Inn is the only Tavern in the small Market Village of Breth Above the door hangs an ornate sign depicting three Badgers playing cards and enjoying a Beer, for an aging and run down village the sign is kept immaculately painted (in fact it looks to have been re-painted in the past few days).    
The Tavern is your run of the mill, village meeting place.   The wooden floor, covered in a mixture of sawdust and shoe polish, is relatively clean. The Tables are solid oak, dark from years of use but again kept surprisingly well in such an establishment. The walls are solid oak, this tavern was built to withstand all manner of attacks it would seem, perhaps the safest place to be in the village in the event of a battle unfolding. A large hatch in the floor would seem to lead to an underground room, perhaps a cellar or a network of tunnels.   The Bar area itself is small, goblets and mugs are perched on the highest racks with bottles of drink set back with their labels well faded. A picture of a charming halfling family sits, pride of place, in the middle of the serving area. It stands as a reminder that this is a family run establishment, but also of a warning that a Father and Mother will do anything to protect their main source of income to keep their family fed and watered.     Inside over the bar hangs a sign in big red letters, 'We proudly Serve Mrs Biggins Pies'   Several tables sit in the middle of the floor, with sturdy looking stools, and in the far corners sit a few private tables, slightly obscured from view by low rise wooden walls.   During the day it's relatively quiet, during the evening it bursts to life with visitors from the local region. You will find a mix of song and games here, and we all know there will be one or two rumours and tales to be found from within these solid oak walls.

Room Rates

Single Rooms (Comfortable) available for 3 sp per night.


Chicken dumplings (5cp) Chicken meatballs (5cp) Mrs Biggins Pickled Parsnip Pie (4cp) Grilled mushroom steaks with vegetables (1sp) Seafood stew with vegetables (1sp)  


Dark lager (8cp) Milkshake (6cp) Elven Mead (1sp) Darklake Stout (1sp) One Eyed Wolf Gin (1sp)  
      A patron in the corner can be heard talking about a quest that pays a pile of Gold, and can be contracted in Town Hall (landmark).


A wooden construction with wattle and daub windows and a thatched roof. It was certainly built well and has stood the test of time. The windows are dark oak and plate glass, and apart from being a little steamed from the inside, they look clean and used well.


The Three Badgers Inn was the second dwelling to be built in Breth, its now over 300 years old and retains most of its original footprint. There have been, of course, a few 'incidents' - the most recent of note was the great fire of 1332 when the roof was completely destroyed in an act of vandalism by the previous owners when they were forced out due to poor hygiene and spiralling prices.
Founding Date
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Characters in Location


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