The Hag's Cauldron Building / Landmark in Terra Novus | World Anvil
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The Hag's Cauldron

A small Taven in the town of Marns Cross.   Always relatively busy with passing trade, and although the rooms there are seen to be a little on the rough side, they are usually fully booked.   The food is good and hearty, and the local gin is sold along with other more wide ranging ales.

Room Rates

Single Rooms (Very Comfortable) available for 4 sp per night.


Beef Stew and Vegetables (5cp) Grilled Beef and Noodles (4cp) Mutton Chops (4cp) Mrs Biggins Beef and Stilton Pie(4cp) Nettle and Ox Salad (4cp)  


One Eyed Wolf Gin (6cp) Darklake Stout (5cp) Dark Lager (5cp) Elderberry Milkshake (5cp)
Founding Date
Parent Location


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