The Sage and Cask Building / Landmark in Terra Novus | World Anvil
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The Sage and Cask

A small Inn with specialisting in Elven food and drink. The Tavern is made entirely of Oak, the floor, roof and chairs all come from the forest.   The Bar is welcoming, a few small tables are scattered around the floor in an orderly fashion, each is laid and hosts an ornate red tablecloth upon which stands a food and drink menu.   The Barperson is an elderly Elvish woman, she smiles politely at you as you enter.

Room Rates

Single Rooms (Very Comfortable) available for 4 sp per night.


Turtle and Sage Soup with Elven Bread (4cp) Mushroom and Potatoe Pie (4cp) Seared Monkfish Risotto (4cp) Blue Cheese Tart(4cp) Pan Fried Oak Leaves and Berry compote (4cp)  


Mushroom Wine (4cp) Elven Mead (6cp) One Eyed Wolf Gin (6sp) Ravenwood Wine (1sp) Warg Head Ale (1sp)
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