
The Drakes: Earthbound Kin of Dragons

In the realm of Terra, where Dragons soared through the skies and terrorized with their fiery breath, there existed another majestic species known as Drakes. Drakes were earthbound kin to dragons, born of the same ancient lineage but lacking the gift of flight.


Drakes bore a striking resemblance to dragons in many aspects. They possessed elongated bodies, formidable scales, and a pair of powerful legs designed for traversing the land rather than the air. Their heads were crowned with menacing horns, and their eyes sparkled with intelligence.


While Drakes lacked the ability to take to the skies, they compensated with exceptional strength and resilience. They were known for their affinity with the earth, often lairing in remote mountain caves or within the heart of deep forests. This connection with the land granted them a profound understanding of terrain and geology. Drakes could manipulate the elements of earth and stone, causing tremors and shaping the environment to their will. Their deep growls could send shockwaves through the ground, toppling adversaries and collapsing fortifications. Legends spoke of Drakes who could tunnel through mountains and create labyrinthine mazes deep within the earth.


Unlike the more capricious dragons, Drakes were creatures of consistency and order. They were territorial beings who often claimed vast regions as their own, and any intruder would face their wrath. The creatures held a strong sense of duty, guarding ancient relics and lost secrets hidden beneath the earth.

Myths and Legends:

Drakes were revered for their protective roles. They were said to have forged powerful pacts with the Dwarves, who sought their aid in excavating precious resources and defending their subterranean realms.

Genetic Ancestor(s)

Cover image: Drake by Necro


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