
The Creation of Goblins:

Long ago, during a time when the world was still in its infancy, the gods crafted the Goblins from the raw elements of the earth. These beings were shaped with nimble fingers and keen minds, yet they were smaller in stature compared to many other races. They were born with an innate curiosity and cunning that made them particularly adaptable to the diverse environments of the world.

The Goblin Tribes:

As the Goblins emerged, they formed nomadic tribes that roamed the land in search of food and shelter. Each tribe developed its own unique customs, traditions, and beliefs, leading to a rich tapestry of Goblin culture. These tribes often competed with each other for resources, territory, and influence.

Mistrust and Misunderstanding:

Due to their mischievous and sometimes unpredictable behavior, Goblins earned a reputation for causing trouble among the other races. This led to mistrust and, at times, open hostility from those who did not understand their culture. Goblins' love for trickery and pranks often fueled misunderstandings, reinforcing negative stereotypes.

The Goblin Tinkerers:

One notable aspect of Goblin culture is their remarkable aptitude for invention and tinkering. They have a natural talent for engineering and craftsmanship, and their inventive minds have led to the creation of ingenious contraptions, weapons, and machines that can be both ingenious and hazardous.

The Quest for Acceptance:

Despite the misunderstandings and prejudice they faced, many Goblins yearned for acceptance and a place in the world. Some ventured beyond their tribes to seek peaceful coexistence with other races, demonstrating their value through their skills in engineering, alchemy, and trade.

The Goblin Diaspora:

Over time, Goblins began to integrate into the societies of other races, often as merchants, traders, or skilled craftsmen. Some even found their place as inventors and engineers in Empyrian, Elven, or Dwarven cities. This mingling of cultures led to a gradual shift in perception, as some members of other races came to appreciate the unique talents and contributions of Goblins.

The Great Goblin Inventors:

A select few Goblins have gained legendary status as great inventors and tinkerers, renowned for their groundbreaking creations. These inventors have bridged the gap between Goblin and non-Goblin cultures, showcasing the potential for collaboration and understanding among the races.

The Legacy of Goblins:

Goblins continue to be a complex and multifaceted race. While some Goblins still embrace their mischievous tendencies and the nomadic way of life, others have chosen to integrate into the societies of other races. The Goblins' legacy is a testament to the power of adaptability, innovation, and the potential for reconciliation and acceptance, even in the face of mistrust and misunderstanding.

Basic Information



Goblins are notably smaller than humans, typically standing around 3 to 4 feet tall. Their diminutive size allows them to move stealthily and hide effectively.

Pointed Ears:

Goblins have pointed ears that may be elongated or curled at the tips, enhancing their keen hearing and lending them an elf-like appearance.  

Green or Grayish Skin:

Goblins often have green or grayish skin tones, which provide them with natural camouflage in forested or swampy environments.  

Bulbous Noses:

They possess bulbous and often hooked noses, which contribute to their distinctive appearance.  

Sharp Teeth:

Goblins have sharp teeth, including prominent canines, suitable for a diet that may include a variety of foods, from foraged plants to scavenged meat.  

Clawed Hands and Feet:

Their hands and feet may have claw-like fingers and toes, aiding them in climbing, digging, and maintaining a sure grip on various surfaces.  

Beady, Glinting Eyes:

Their eyes are typically beady, sometimes with a glint of mischief or malevolence. Their keen eyesight helps them see well in low-light conditions.  

Lack of Facial Hair:

Goblins usually lack facial hair or have sparse patches, which distinguishes them from races with prominent beards or mustaches.  

Lean Builds:

Goblins tend to have lean, wiry builds that enable them to navigate tight

Ecology and Habitats

Forest Enclaves:

Goblins are known to establish hidden enclaves within dense forests. These habitats offer both cover and access to resources like foraged plants and scavenged game.

Swamp Settlements:

Goblins thrive in wetland areas like swamps and marshes, where their natural green or grayish skin provides excellent camouflage. These environments are teeming with insects, amphibians, and aquatic plants, which goblins may use for sustenance.  

Urban Slums:

In some settings, goblins form impoverished and overcrowded communities within the outskirts of larger cities. They often occupy abandoned buildings or sewers and engage in illegal activities to survive.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omnivorous Appetite:

Goblins are opportunistic omnivores, meaning they eat a wide range of foods. Their diet includes plants, fungi, insects, small animals, and, on occasion, larger prey.


While not known for their physical strength, goblins can be cunning hunters. They employ traps, snares, and teamwork to capture small game, such as rabbits, birds, and rodents.  


In dire circumstances, some goblin tribes may resort to cannibalism, especially when food is scarce or during times of conflict. This practice is often considered taboo by other races.  

Crop Raiding:

Goblins sometimes raid the fields and farms of other races, making off with crops and livestock. Their quick and stealthy nature allows them to evade capture.  

Eating Habits:

Goblins are known for their voracious appetites and often eat quickly and without much regard for table manners. They may consume raw or partially cooked foods.  

Adaptive Diets:

Goblins adapt their diets to their environment. For instance, swamp-dwelling goblins may consume aquatic plants and amphibians, while mountain-dwelling goblins might eat more meat and mineral-rich foods.  

Food Storage:

Goblins may store food in hidden caches or underground chambers to ensure a steady supply during lean times.  

Feasting Rituals:

Goblins often engage in communal feasting rituals during celebrations or after successful raids. These feasts can be raucous and chaotic affairs.

characteristics and features


Cunning Expressions:

Goblins often display cunning, mischievous, or malevolent expressions that match their reputation as sly and crafty creatures.  

Inferior Strength:

Goblins are not physically powerful compared to larger races, but they make up for this with agility, cunning, and adaptability.  

Quick Reflexes:

They are known for their quick reflexes, making them adept at dodging and evading attacks. Their agility is a valuable asset in both combat and stealth.  


Goblins are excellent climbers and can scale trees, walls, and buildings with ease. Their nimbleness allows them to access elevated or hidden locations.  

Short Lifespans:

Goblins typically have shorter lifespans compared to many other humanoid races, which contributes to their fervent drive for survival and reproduction.

Cover image: Goblin by Necro


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