
The Mortal Life and Transformation:

Long ago, Zeath was known as Lord Zephyrus, a nobleman of great renown in a flourishing kingdom. His life was one of opulence and extravagance, but he harbored an insatiable thirst for knowledge and power. Driven by an obsession with immortality, he sought forbidden tomes and arcane knowledge that eventually led him to make a dark pact with Lilith

Seeds of Resentment:

The seeds of Zephyrus's resentment were sown in his formative years. He felt that his father favored his older sibling, doubting Zephyrus's capabilities and treating him as a mere nuisance. This sense of neglect fueled his growing bitterness. Zephyrus was consumed by ambition and the insatiable desire for power and wealth. He knew that by ascending to the position of Lord, he would gain control over vast lands, wealth, and influence. These desires blinded him to moral constraints.   In the shadows of the castle, Zephyrus began to conspire. He discreetly sought out like-minded individuals who were willing to aid him in his sinister endeavor. Together, they formulated a dark and meticulously crafted plan. The method chosen for the nefarious act was poison. Under the guise of reconciliation, Zephyrus offered his father a poisoned chalice. Lord Federic, unaware of the treachery, took the drink, believing it to be a symbol of their mended relationship. Lord Federic fell ill quickly, and despite the best efforts of the castle's physicians, he could not be saved. With his father's death, Zephyrus swiftly assumed the title of Lord, claiming his inheritance and the vast estate.   Zephyrus and his co-conspirators worked diligently to conceal their crime. The poison was untraceable, and the sudden illness appeared as a natural misfortune. Suspicion was carefully diverted away from the young Lord. However, despite achieving his ultimate goal, Zephyrus soon realized the weight of his actions. The guilt and remorse he experienced were like a shadow that loomed over him, casting a darkness on his newfound power.   The castle's servants and some of the few who were privy to the truth now posed a threat. Zephyrus had to ensure their silence. He became increasingly paranoid, fearing that the conspiracy would be unraveled.

Discovery of the Crimson Ascension:

One evening, Lord Zephyrus discovered the existence of the Crimson Ascension through ancient tomes and obscure texts hidden deep within his family's archives. These texts detailed the dark and forbidden incantation that could turn a mortal into a true vampire. The temptation of immortality and untold power captivated his imagination. Fuelled by his unquenchable thirst for knowledge, Lord Zephyrus dedicated himself to researching and understanding the Crimson Ascension. He delved into the esoteric lore of Vampirism, studying ancient rituals, and consulting forbidden sources that many dared not explore. With the guidance of cryptic writings and the guidance of enigmatic mentors, he began to piece together the secrets of the incantation.

Dark Alliances:

In his quest for immortality, Lord Zephyrus forged dark alliances with beings who walked the line between the mortal and supernatural worlds. He bartered with ancient Vampires, exchanging promises of loyalty and influence for their secrets and assistance. These dangerous alliances brought him closer to his goal but also exposed him to the treacherous world of the undead.

An Innocent Sacrifice:

Zephyrus, an expert in manipulation, began by scouting for a suitable candidate. He needed an individual who was willing, pure of heart, and desperate enough to make the ultimate sacrifice for a chance at a better life. Zephyrus assumed a false identity, portraying himself as a charming and charismatic nobleman who had a history of helping those in need. He carefully wove a web of lies, appearing to be a kind and benevolent figure within the community. He approached the young girl, named Elena, during a time of hardship. Perhaps her family was suffering from poverty, illness, or other misfortunes. Zephyrus offered assistance and relief, earning her trust and gratitude.

Weaving the Deception:

Over time, Zephyrus began to subtly introduce the idea of a life-altering opportunity. He spun tales of a mythical ritual, the Crimson Ascension, which, if completed successfully, would grant extraordinary powers, wealth, and immortality. Zephyrus stoked Elena's desires and dreams by describing the fantastic world that awaited those who succeeded in the ritual. He knew that Elena longed for a better life, and he used this desire to his advantage. Zephyrus presented the sacrificial role as an honorable and selfless act. He painted it as a means for Elena to become a legend, a revered figure in her community, and a savior to her family. To further manipulate Elena's feelings and judgment, Zephyrus offered her a magical potion that induced a state of euphoria and bound her emotionally to him. Under the influence of this potion, she would be more likely to accept the sacrifice willingly.

Ceremony of the Crimson Ascension:

When the time came, Zephyrus led Elena to a hidden, sacred location where the Crimson Ascension ritual was to take place. Her trust in him was unwavering, and she believed that her selfless act would indeed bring prosperity to her family and community. Zephyrus performed the ritual, utilizing the celestial alignment and Elena's willing sacrifice to become a true vampire. The process was grueling, but he emerged from it more powerful than ever, while Elena's life was extinguished. With the ritual's culmination, Lord Zephyrus achieved his ultimate goal. He had become a true vampire, gaining immortality, supernatural abilities, and a thirst for blood. However, the transformation came at a great cost. It bound him to the eternal night, severed ties with the mortal world, and exposed him to a realm of darkness and intrigue. Elena's sacrifice was in vain. Zephyrus, now a true vampire, had no intention of fulfilling his false promises. He left her family to grieve and despair, disappearing into the night with his newfound powers.


Upon embracing Vampirism and adopting the name Lord Zeath, he was cast out from his noble family and exiled from the kingdom. In his new undead existence, he sought to unlock the secrets of dark Magic and attain ultimate power.

The Legend of the Bloodstone Ring:

Within the ancient and cursed texts that Vampire Lord Zeath collected, he stumbled upon a cryptic legend surrounding the Bloodstone Ring. This powerful artifact was said to grant its wearer unparalleled control over blood magic, and granted its wearer an unparalleled control over the creatures of the night. Vampires would bow to their will, Werewolves would heed their commands, and even the elusive spirits of the night would become their allies.

The Obsession with the Ring:

The legend of the Bloodstone Ring consumed Zeath's thoughts. He believed that obtaining the ring would not only enhance his mastery of dark magic but also provide him with the means to break free from the dark entity's control and seek redemption for his cursed existence.

The Quest Begins:

Driven by his obsession, Zeath embarked on a centuries-long quest to locate the Bloodstone Ring. His journey took him across treacherous lands, through ancient tombs, and into hidden realms of darkness. Along the way, he encountered challenges, obstacles, and adversaries who sought to thwart his ambitions.

The Clues and Riddles:

The path to the Bloodstone Ring was laden with cryptic clues, riddles, and arcane puzzles left behind by its previous guardians. Each step of the quest required Zeath to unlock new layers of his own dark powers and draw upon his accumulated knowledge.

The Guardians of the Ring:

Zeath faced formidable guardians who protected valuable secrets regarding the rings location. These guardians were often ancient and powerful beings, each possessing unique abilities and knowledge of blood magic. His search led to a dead end with more questions than answers.

The Consequences of Power:

Throughout his quest, Zeath struggled with the allure of power that the Bloodstone Ring represented. He faced moral dilemmas and challenges to his resolve, testing his true intentions and desires for the artifact.

The Present-Day Quest:

Zeath continues his relentless pursuit of the Bloodstone Ring. He is driven by the hope that the ring will not only grant him ultimate power but also provide the key to his redemption and release from the dark entity's grip. His story is one of obsession, sacrifice, and the enduring quest for both power and salvation.


personality and mentality:

  Reserved and Calculating: Zeath is known for his reserved nature. He rarely reveals his true thoughts or emotions, often maintaining a calculated and composed demeanor. He carefully weighs his words and actions, making him an adept diplomat and strategist.   Mysterious and Enigmatic: Many find Zeath's true intentions and loyalties shrouded in mystery. He seldom discloses his past or personal history, leaving others to speculate about his origins and motivations. This aura of enigma only deepens the intrigue around him.   A Desire for Power: Zeath harbors an insatiable thirst for power and influence. His motivation to attain power is rooted in past experiences, which have made him determined to never be vulnerable again. He is willing to take risks and make difficult choices to achieve his objectives.   Resourceful and Adaptive: Zeath's life has forced him to become highly resourceful and adaptable. He can navigate complex situations and adapt to new challenges, making him a valuable asset in a variety of scenarios.   Cautious and Prudent: He tends to be cautious and prudent in his decision-making. Zeath understands the importance of calculated risks and is rarely impulsive. He evaluates situations thoroughly and is patient in waiting for the right opportunities to present themselves.   Ambiguity in Morality: Zeath's moral compass is not easily defined. He operates in the gray areas of morality, sometimes taking actions that could be perceived as morally ambiguous or questionable. His decisions often depend on his goals and what he perceives as necessary to achieve them.   Goal-Oriented: Zeath's actions are driven by specific objectives. He is a goal-oriented individual who is willing to make sacrifices to achieve what he desires. His determination and unwavering focus make him a formidable force.   Masterful Manipulator: Zeath possesses a keen understanding of human nature and can be a masterful manipulator when the situation calls for it. He's adept at reading people and using their motivations to his advantage.

Circumstances of Death
Lilith's blessing/curse

Cover image: Zeath by Necro