
Syttos is the City of Scholars, capital of the Kingdom of Kallistratos and home to the Aerbor University    

City Districts

  • Cascades. Wealthy district for noble estates and prominent university personnel.
  • Azurewoad Park. Western Park dedicated to old growth forest and Azurewoad Gates.
  • Towers. Official civil government, major businesses and local defense. Includes Exarch’s palace.
  • Semestral Square. Semestral Library and plazas that serve as the central hub of the city.
  • North Cove. Recent expansion and Muscovan minority district, high-end manufacturing.
  • The Drag. Low class non-university residence and transient populations.
  • North Campus. Oldest campus nearest azurewoadserves as home for oldest colleges.
  • South Campus. Newer campus, construction, and new college locals.
  • The Boards. Outskirt residences for junior faculty, university students, and support services.
Capital City of Kallistratos. The City of Mages, Home of Aerbor University
Alternative Name(s)
City of Scholars
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization


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