
Written by RomanRepublic

"Determined and Clever, Vasilian Humans are one of the most annoying pests, and most fiercly intellegent beings I have encounted in my lifespan. I can understand why they're so popular with my kind. They facisnate as much as they annoy me"
-Taskis, Silver Dragon.

Humans are by far the most common and populous race in all of Vasilia. Overcoming the Dragons during the early days of the Ancient Empire, and the elves after the fall of Great Elven King. Humans are well known for their ingenuity, military prowess, and short life spans. Responsible for 2 of the 4 ancient empires. Each overcoming the last in splendor and glory during their heights.   Common Traits: Humans are well known for their ingeniuity and extreme duribilty. Versitile and Diverse, despite being one of the "younger" races, they have quickly grown to the be most populaous race in Vasilia. Building cities and nations in the time it takes an elf to reach maturity. It has been long theroized as to how and why humans have managed to leave such legacys despite their reltively short lifespans and lack of affinity for magic, and most have come to the conclusion that it has been *due* to these factors, not in spite of them. Vasilian Humans average height sits at around 5'8", while living upwards into their 80s without age extension. Most humans are extremly physically and mentally durable in comparison to most other races. With a healing factor that some other races consider "regeneration" due to how fast and how potent it is. Those gifted with magic are extremely rare (With only 1% of humans having a magical affinity), and most who do posses it are often pressured to not use it due to the stigma about over relying on magic   Religion: Humans worship a plethora of dieties. Most to the Pentarchy, the 5 highest tier of Gods, and the Titans Jehovah and Lucifer. Human worship consists of giving offerings to the gods to earn their favor or aviod their ire, and praying in an attempt to speak with their diety of choice.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

While disverse across the scale, the average advancment for Vasilian Humans is the Early Modern Period technology wise. With rudimerntary firearms and lmitied use of automated vehicles using magical fuel.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Human society is based around the nuclear family. With 2 parents each taking care of their children, if they have any, and there are very many exceptions to the rule. A lot of empathsis is put on developing and studying new skills from a young age, so a human may stand out from the crowd. Thus, most humans and human society as a whole are seen to be Jacks of all Trades. Whether it be a warrior, thief, entertianer, or even a skilled mage. You can find almost any occupation among human society. (Though Mages are exceptionally rare). Magic itself is rarely seen in human culture, instead relying on technology to help advance their needs. While magic *is* used, and it is fairly commonplace in some areas, it is very limited. To over rely on magic is a massive taboo, due to being what is thought to have caused the Spell Blight


History: Human's have been around since the begining of Humaniod Life, but have been the last of the races to "Civilize" as the Elves and Dragons call it. Even the Orcs had devloped a written langauge before Humans. The first human civilizations rose in the Kylakdian Isles and Hellenic Coast. Where numerous city states propped up. The Kylakdian's and Hellens made many advances in warfare, technology, and philosophy before being conqured by the ancient Draconian Empire, not being able to resist their heavily advanced magical prowess. The largest of the cities, Elysia, become an economic hub for the Empire. That, combined with the Draconican's connections caused the area to grow in wealth. Most of which went straight to the Draconians and their human collaborators, most of the middle and lower classes were either killed in the conquest or enslaved by the empire. After the fall of the Draconicans, the Elven Vasilakian Empire moved in. While the Dragons were no picnic, they had the ocasional sympathic Silver governor. But the Elves were a whole other story. Though they may deny it, the elves were responsible for the massive increase in the Vasilian Slave trade and massive decrease in human population. After centuries of opression, the various human cities rose up in rebellion, with the City of Elysia becoming known as the "Beating Heart of Revolution". Lead by a slave turned general, the Kylakdians and Hellens threw off the shackles of opression. Declaring the Kingdom of Elysia. Thier Leader, a man known as Justinian Elefetheria, was killed in battle. Acending to Godhood as the God of War and Revolution. His second in command and close friend was declared king. A Silver Dragon who fell in with the revolution, was ruling the first human kingdom. The Kingdom rose in glory and splendor over the decades, eventually becoming the Elysian Empire. At it's height, the Humans of the empire spread throughout the lands of the empire. Causing the modern popultion demographics seen in Vasilia today. Many influences of the Elysians can be seen in its successor and break away states, such as the Elysian Language, and Elysian Drachma. After its collapse, the former lands were broken up into many various states, the Laskarin Empire being the biggest. While the Laskarin Empire started as a human empire, about halfway into its history humans didnt even make up more then 50% of its population. In the modern day, Humans are the majority in Arkadia, with some enclaves in Boreas and Lakonia.