The United States of Greater Laskaria

Full name: The United States of Greater Laskaris   Government Type: Federal Monarchial Republic   Leading Ideology: Federal Monarchism   Capital: Laskaria   Head of State: The Laskarian Basileus   Head of Government: The Laskarian Bundeskanzler   Population: 157 Million   Flag: A dark blue banner with a red cross sportting a gold border bisecting it. In the center lays the holy symbol of Roman Laskaris, the Empire's namesake. In each corner is a 4 upturned crowns facing the outer edges. The Crowns each represent the various lands of the Federation, with a foot hold on nearly each continent. Vasilia, Endiria, Drocaidas and Qwevv.
  Description: Born from the fires of The Third Bruderkrieg, the Laskarian Imperial Federation was the brainchild of Emperor Ioannis I. He looked to the past, merging the ideals of the Laskarian Revolution and 2nd Bruderkrieg with that of the Old Imperial Monarchy. Forming the first Monarchial Republic on the planet. Using his immense authority as both Dictator and Basileus to draft a constitution (now known as the Ioanian Constitution), Ioannis left a legacy he hoped would help solve the issues and mend the wounds of the old empire.   The Federation has a reputation for being seen as a melting pot of sorts, quick to adopt practices from various other nations and cultures that have prooven to be useful.   Factions/Organizations:
Imperial Council: The Imperial Council is the reformed court of the Emperor's closest and most trusted advisors. Giving him advice on a variety of subject matters. It includes positions such as Grand Marshal, High Ambassador, and Consul of Agriculture. Members of the court are still called "Consuls", with its head being known as the "High Consul". The High Consul is the Emperor's right hand man.
  Grand Senate of the Federation: The Grand Senate is the lesgislature of the federation. A tricameral body made up of 3 smaller councils. Each representing various estates within the Empire. -Federal Assembly of Themes: Represenatives from the various lands of the empire, elected from the Themes -National House of Represenatives: Represenatives of the Commonfolk, elected from Imperial States -Imperial Chamber of Archons: Represenatives of the nobility   Laskyrian Church:   Imperial Council of the Arcane:   Extra Details: Various extended Info 


Nobility in the Laskarian Empire (WIP) [N] (Nobility, Born into)   [T] (Title, Can be Gained)  
  • [N] Basileus (Emperor): Ruler of the Empire
  • [N] Antivasiléas (Emperor-Regent): Regent of the Empire
  • [T] Bundeskanzler (President): Head of the Government 
  • [T] Senator (Senator): Member of the Grand Senate
  • [N] Symbasileus (Crown Prince): Hier to the Empire
  • [T] Anthypatos (High Consul/Chancellor): Head of the Imperial Council/Court
  • [T] Hypatos (Consul): Member of the Imperial Council/Court.
  • [T] Strategos (General/Military Governor): Ruler of a Theme
  • [N] Kaiser (King): Ruler of a Kingdom
  • [N] Sebastokrator (Archduke): Ruler of an Archduchy
  • [N] Megas Doux (Grand Duke): Ruler of a Grand Duchy, or of 2 or more Duchys
  • [N] Doux (Duke): Ruler of a Duchy
  • [N] Prínkipas (Sovereign Prince): Ruler of a Princedom/Principality
  • [N] Komis (Count): Ruler of a County
  • [T] Demarch (Mayor): Ruler of a Free City
  • [T] Ippótis (Knight/Warrior): Exceptional Warrior
  • Territories

    (WIP) Laskarian Imperial States
    The Laskarian Empire is made of a number of various Kingdoms, Princedoms, Archduchys, Duchys, Republics and Free cities. An Archduchy has the same rank of a Kingdom. Each Kingdom and Archuchy is itself divided into various smaller duchies, principalities, and counties. With each leader pledging alliagence to the King/Archduke   Themes are military and administrative divisions within the empire, and do not represent political borders of the various inner states. Ruled by a Strategos, a Military-Governor, the themes are used for bureaucratic, financial, and recruiting purposes.   Kingdoms
    -Kingdom of Laskyr: Makes up half of the country. The King of Laskyr is the Laskarian Emperor, who often appoints a regent to rule in his place.
    -Kingdom of Kalifron: Massive Island off the Coast. Rich in natural resources and home to many mines. Almost home to the only known source of Anti-Magic that doesnt come from a person
    -Archduchy of Sachsen
    -Archduchy of Ellila
    -Archduchy of Durchdenwald
    -   Duchys
    -Duchy of Dessalonia
    -Duchy of Sezibond
    -Duchy of Eastphalia
    -Grand Duchy of Auster-Ghaullia
    -Grand Duchy of Helasya
    -Princedom of Bayern
    -Principality of Glesscher:
    -   Counties
    -Achter County
    -Republic of Phaedrias
      Free Cities
    -   Themes
    -Thema Elysia
    -Thema Laskyria
    -Thema Arnika
    -Thema Ghaullia
    -Thema Phaedrias
            Imperial Overseas Territories
    The Empire has a number of overseas territories under its dominion. Lands in Qwevv, Endiria, and Drocaidas are all under the Imperial Crown.   Qwevv
    -Nova Nikomedia
    -Laskarian West Endiria Company
    -Federated Commonwealth of Iskander

    "Freiheit und Iustitia sind unsere causa est" (Freedom and Justice is our Cause)

    Founding Date
    1576 PD
    Alternative Names
    Laskaris, Laskaria, The Laskarian Federation, The Laskarian Empire, The Federal Empire of Laskaris, United States of Greater Laskaria
    Predecessor Organization
    Laskarian, Laskyr
    Leader Title
    Related Species