Ioannis Stravros-Rhomanos

Basileus Ioannis Konstantinos Ares Starvos-Romanos (a.k.a. Achilles (Archie), Johnathan (Jack))

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ioannis is a tall and well built human male. Years of training and conditioning as a solider have given him the muscled form not disimilar to the legend of Eleftheria. Broad Shoulders, abs, muscled thighs and arms, along with a square jawline. His wears a prosthetic left hand, and eyepatch over his left eye. Scars from various gashes, cuts, and burns litter his form. Including a burn across the upper left side of his head, most of which is covered by his hair.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ioannis was born the bastard son of Megas Doux Konstantine Rhomanos, and local bar wench and harlot Thalia Stavros. His father didnt even know he existed until he was 12 years old.. His early childhood was, as he would later put it, "The Universe's sick little game of how to make my formative years a living hell". Thalia was a terrible mother, often putting her work and needs above his own. She often brought him to the tavern she worked at during her shifts. Her Boss, a gruff Chimera named Vladmir, would look after him and over the years the 2 would grow a bond, even calling him "Papa Vlad". Eventually, years of neglect, abuse, and an absent father caused little Ioannis to run away at the age of 4, to his grandfather's farm in the Elysian Heartlands a few hours from the city. Thanks to help from Vlad and a sympathic merchant, he made it there unharmed.     Ioannis's grandfather, Nickolas Stavros, was a veteran turned farmer. Deciding to make a living off the land granted to him for his service in the Stratiótis. Nickolas was a very kind and generous man, but the passing of his wife made life especially difficult. He had lost his leg during his time in combat, and needed help from time to time. So when his 4 year old grandson came running up to him tears streaming down his face begging to live with him, he couldnt turn him away. Ioannis would spend the rest of his childhood living on his grandfather's farm. Learning the trade and helping Nickolas look after the crops and livestock. At the age of 12 he was contacted by his father, who after finding out about his existance wanted to reconnect. So, one or 2 weeks every month Ioannis would live with his father in the capital where he would learn various skills. The most of impressive of which was his swordplay, quickly mastering the skill and surpassing all of his half brothers. Somehow able to win every spar they competed in by the age of 15. Most of his siblings shunned him, the one notable exception being his younger half brother Rhodes who's mother was the housekeeper. As fellow bastards, the 2 got along very well. Eventually becoming best friends. Rhodes would even stay at the farm during the summer months, being accepted as family by Nickolas. Ioannis took the "protective older brother" role very seriously. Whenever one of their half siblings attempted to bully Rhodes, he would challenge them to a duel and use it as an excuse to beat the shit out of them. He would do the same in school, beating up bullies who picked on those who couldnt stand up for themselves.     At the age of 16, Ioannis was conscripted into the 3rd Elysian Jager unit as part of the theme's expanded levy and sent off to fight in the Great 30 Year War. He would serve at the battle of Arcrath, one of the most infamous battles of the war, and earn his fame. Staring into the eyes of the Carivian Beast Tamers as he tore down their siege engine. Saving Arcrath tower from total descurtion, but loosing his left eye and hand in the process. What many dont know is that suicidal move was meant to kill him. Ioannis had lost his little brother earlier that month in the siege, and didnt' care whether he lived or died. But he woke up 2 weeks later in infirmary. Ioannis was promoted to a Lochias, a Sergeant. While in command of his unit, he came across an oprhaned silver wyrmling. The Soliders adopted the little bugger, and taught him various skills they learned with Ioannis taking a special interest in the wyrm. Naming him "Griffin" and gifting him a dark blue bandanna.     After the battle of Arcrath, he returned to school to become an officer during the 3 year truce and returned to the field with the rank of a Lochagos (The Equivilent of a Captian). He would serve faithfully throughout the war, eventually obtaining the rank of Stratigos (General). The Highest ranking a non noble can achieve. He was sent to the Drocadisian front, where he commanded troops against the Anglian, Rysterian, and Carivian forces. Proving to be an offensive and organizational genius, he regulary led his men to victory against forces 10 times their size. His sucess can be attributed to his use of Native pathfinders and auxullaries who were familar with the land, allowing him to use the terrain to his advantage. Ioannis was there for the peace talks with the United Kingdoms of Anglia, and managed to use his occupation of the Anglian colonies as cause for annexation into the Empire's colonial holdings. After which he would be pulled back to serve on the Carivian front back home, where he found...significantly less success, but still fared better then his peers.


Ioannis is straight, and any insuation otherwise makes him incredibly uncomfortable.


Ioannis was homeschooled up until the age of 12, where he was enrolled in a private school for children of the nobility. He even managed to secure a spot in the youth scholorship programn for the Belisarius Academia, the nations most pristigious military academy. His education was cut short at the age of 16, when the Strategos of his theme activated the Dievryméni Eisforá (Expanded Levy), recruiting all able bodied men ages 16-45 in the theme. Many years later, during the 3 year long ceasefire, Ioannis was able to return to school and finish his studies at the Academia. Graduating top of his class and returning to the battlefield an officer.


Family Ties

Ioannis is the bastard son of Megas Doux Konstantine Romanos, and therefore has connections to the Laskarian Aristocracy. He chooses to identify with his common birth however, having been raised by his grandfather. A Farmer
Current Status
Ruling as Basileus of Laskaris
Date of Birth
7th of Sangium, 1512 PD
Circumstances of Birth
Ioannis is the result of a love affair between a Grand Duke and Local Harlot.
Current Residence
Green and Dark Blue, Blue One Missing
Jet Black, Slick Backed. With streaks of silver. The hair covering his burn is a stark white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"We are all Drocaidasians today"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Fluent in Laskyr Elysian, Old Elysian and Shaliton, Proficient with Simplified Drocaidsian, knows basic Draconic