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The Kingdom of the Dwarves atop the Northern Escarpment (aka the Northern Ramparts) - the Highlands of Atlantis - is the source of much of the crafted items that circulate around the continent. The Dwarves have kept busy forging the finest of metal and stone goods from the metals and fires of the Ramparts.   The Dwarves have also sought the deepest of knowledge and secrets for forging - so much so that Hephaestus has taught them the greatest of forging secrets. Over time this has had an affect on the Dwarves - causing them to slowly lose sight in one eye - this is said to be the Curse of the Cyclops - and was verified recently when the Moonstruck Dwarves were all found to have lost their sight in the left eye completely now. They are Cyclops now in both ability and in sight.


The Dwarves of Atlantis are clannish, sticking to themselves and securing their future through the riches found in the mountains and plateaus of the continent. Their mastery of mining, smelting and crafting have all come from hard work and keeping their discoveries secret. In their researches they were helped by Hephaestus and some say by Vulcan too. In honor of this some bare the mark of having only one eye with honor as a sign they are the New Cyclops race - destined to forge ever greater weapons. Each Dwarf encountered seeks only to further the wealth and influence of his own clan. Some seek knowledge, other's seek to grow the wealth of their family. All seek to be recognised by their people.


The Kharazad area has always been a harsh area. With constant volcanic activity. The volcanoes are not a problem to the Dwarves however, they have harnessed the heat and power of these peaks to fire up their forges, heat their homes and even cook their meals. The volcanoes, when used with the clear waters of the mountain lakes have allowed Dwarves to forge wonderful weapons and armor of power. The Dwarven People have created a chain of Towers around their plateau to keep watch on all the mountain passes in and out of their kingdom. Each area also has its own citadel and armory set to repel any invaders or interlopers.

Aldr, Uxja oz Zana tjon Ljef. (Fire, Axe and Stone bring Life.)

Atlantean Dwarven Race Sigil
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Dwarves, Kharaz Folk, Firebeards, Flame Dwellers, Rock Folk
Leader Title
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