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Triskalaeon Order (τρισκελής)

Alternate Names

There are several variant names, due to the three nations each speaking totally different languages. Also Known As the Triskalion (Named after the Symbol) and the Triskals.

Name Origins

The Triskeleos ( τρισκελής) - the Three Legged are said to be linked to a three legged table which was used at the initial formation of the Order.


  The Tricalaeon is a secret service arm of the three main races - Elven, Dwarven and Human. It's formation established a unified secret service and information network whose purpose has long been kept secret. The Tricalaeon agents are known to be investigators, often seeking information about religious sects, ancient artifacts and historical information.



The Tricals use a Triskaleon (Triple Spiral) to symbolise each of the races involved but also the three main tasks of the order. There are several versions of the symbol used - by different sub-groups.


Regalia & Emblems

The members often carry Gem Cages - these are chains with holding settings attached for gems of office. Each Gem Cage can range in material from Adamant, Silver, Gold and Light Orichalcum (Appears Rose-Gold in Color). The Gem Cage acts like a 'Fob-chain' being a form of belt worn chain that stores the 'cage' in a pocket or pouch.  


Any Elf, Dwarf, or Human sent to the Order by their Government are accepted into the Order. They must provide a letter of reference from local officials that indicate Government service.


The Order largely appear to be normal warriors, rogues, clerics, wizards, monks and bards, being open to all classes. They only become active when signs of the Secret Lord are found. At such a time, they drop all other activities, activate other Order Members and then seek battle.

Three Objectives of the Order

  1. Finding and destroying all traces of the Secret Lord that remain.

  2. Destruction of all information regarding him.

  3. Prevent any resurgence of him or his followers.

The Three Levels of the Order

Any member can raise to any level of the order, regardless of family, class, race or social class up to the three highest positions in the Order.

The Dwarven Forms of Tricalaeon

The Dwarves have expanded their branch of the Tricalaeon into several sub-societies which operate in addition to the original Tricalaeon Group, known as the Lockstone Tricaleaon.


The Order of the Tricalaeon is established as a form of Military Order. The Grandmaster is the Order master, currently no known Grandmaster exists. It is said that the Order is actively seeking the heir for the position.


It is a secretive order, preferring to hide its presence among the followers of Poseidon.

Public Agenda

It is an order seeking to uncover the secrets of the world - whatever they are. This involves seeking out the oldest of books, artifacts and remains of previous cultures. Any involved with them tend to describe them as investigators and sages who are conducting research into many areas at once.




With the fall of a dark lord, the Tricalaeon was formed to totally vanquish all that remained of his following and artifacts. The task has continued for centuries and still continues to this day.

Cessare Arcanis (Stop the Secret)

Triskelion Amulets and Gem-Cages
Triskelion Gem Cage In Use
Founding Date
Secret, Military
Alternative Names
the Hooded Ones
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Purple Triskelion Gem Cage
Triskelion Variant Forms Known To Be Used By Members


The Killstar family acted as the main ambassadors and representatives to the Triskaleion Order.



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