The Shrine of Luum Building / Landmark in Terraloga | World Anvil
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The Shrine of Luum

The Shrine of Luum is the scared building of Luumism believers, standing at the center of Lumus. It's built in the early day of city as the place where Luum, the god of destroy, showed off his power.

Purpose / Function

Beside worshipping Luum, the rarest ritual of Luumism is also held here, when Comet of Victorious is visible in the sky every once a hundred years.


It's about 30 meters tall and made out of bricks. The inside is sturdy with the help of wood supports, decorating with arts of Luum's activities. The center have the stand of the holy relics such as The Staff of Luum, which he used it to unite the faith of Lumus.


the tower
by Adcheryl

The Shrine of Luum is important site to Luumist pilgrims. Since the city is very isolated from any major cities, they have to face many obsecles along the trips such as the flow of especially the harshness of the jungle.

Tower of Eternal Light, the heart of Valone, shared a similar design to the shrine. It look totally like placing the entire shrine onto the podium full of statues. According to Valonian historians, the architect was a religious Luumist. He travelled to the jungle hoping to find the holy city. When he arrived, he was wondered by this tall structure, wanting to put it into his work.

by Adcheryl
Founding Date
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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Dec 2, 2021 18:42 by Dimitris Havlidis

Simple and good well done

World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
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Dec 2, 2021 18:47

Thank you :)