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Mental characteristics

Personal history

Phara was born near Casselbury, the son of a man named Curos. He had just been summoned to fight for the Northern armies as reinforcements were badly needed. Soldiers were in thin supply, so much so, that scholars and the like were being enlisted to aid the cause. As Phara's mother had died during childbirth, Curos was alone in caring for his only daughter, thus he was required to bring the young girl on his journey to the frontlines of battle. Curos and Phara met up with several other scholarly types on the long journey south towards the fighting, so they kept company with like-minded people. The journey took over a month, the bits and pieces Phara remembers are the different places, the changing scenery, and the new people met along the way.   When the group was only a half a week or so away from the front lines, they were awoken from their campsite one morning by a gentle trembling of the ground beneath them. What they didn't know at the time, was that a few hundred miles south, Sariel had completed her ritual and ascended to divinity, ushering in a swift end to the war. Curos never saw a minute of battle, and the journey had been for naught, albeit for the relationships he developed along the way.    The years following the war were trying for folks of all walks of life. As Phara grew up, things were difficult for her and her father. What little they had, she made up for with her thirst for knowledge. Back in Casselbury, Phara became engrossed in the archives tended to by Edylmere Tellemen, the local archivist. She read nearly every page of every book, tome, and scroll from wall to wall, and scoured the depths of his library, when she had the realization that her studies in Casselbury could go no further.   
The Archives of Casselbury
  Phara's father had bestowed upon her a thirst for knowledge. It was no secret, especially in the mind of Curos, that Phara would one day outgrow Casselbury. He always knew that she was destined for bigger, better things. Curos always told Phara: "One of these days, you'll be out on your own in a big city. And you're going to eat them alive." He never doubted her, never for a minute.    With her father's (tearful) blessing, he wished Phara farewell, and sent her on her way to the one place where she could go to pursue the knowledge she sought: The Dûnadaïn Conservatory. Phara could now begin on the path to becoming what her mother once was; a celebrated adventurer with a coveted Dûnaic Seal, the mark of a true adventurer. Phara chartered passage on a ship across The North Sea and landed outside The City of Merciwyne, where the next chapter of her adventure awaited her.  
The Dunadain Conservatory, in Merciwyne


Successfully completed the course of study at The Dûnadaïn Conservatory in the school of sorcery, with receipt of the coveted Dûnaic Seal.

Intellectual Characteristics

There's nothing Phara likes more than a good mystery. She is willing to listen to every side of an argument before making her own.

Morality & Philosophy

No limits. Nothing should fetter the infinite possibility inherent in all existence.

Personality Characteristics


"My life's work is a series of tomes related to a specific field of lore."

Vices & Personality flaws

Easily distracted by the promise of information
Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
3 Anza
Year of Birth
2092 AD 50 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Mother passed away due to complications during childbirth
Female Half Elf
Long, dirty blonde, middle of back length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair, tan, few blemishes and imperfections
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Common Elven, Old Elven, Leonin


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