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Vennik Krennshyre

Guildmaster Vennikalikann Nidalthahn Krennshyre (a.k.a. Vennik, "V")

Guildmaster, The Adventurer's Guild 

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A career soldier and master of combat, Vennik was devastated when he was unable to travel to fight in The Void War. He was badly injured on a private contract mere weeks before the war broke out, and his wounds almost proved fatal. Bedridden for over a month, Vennik was fortunate that he did not lose his leg. Apothecaries and nurses tended to his many wounds night and day, and were able to save his limb, and nurse the esteemed guildmaster back to relative health.   The nature of Vennik's contract was kept strictly confidential. It wasn't until he returned to Merciwyne under the cover of darkness one night, that anyone knew anything had gone awry. Vennik rode through the city gate, slumped over his horse and in a tremendous deal of pain, battered and badly wounded. A watch officer of The Iron Guard recognized Vennik, and ushered him quickly into the city and towards the church. As he unsteadily dismounted from his horse, Vennik collapsed in the courtyard of the church. Apothecaries tended to him and treated his wounds, but Vennik remained bedridden for 9 weeks. He battled infection and high fevers, and the wound he sustained in his leg was particularly gruesome. Presently, Vennik uses a cane to walk, and experiences uncontrolled spasms and cramps. The apothecaries stated that his leg wound was "unlike anything they had ever seen."
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Managing daily operations of The Adventurer's Guild
Current Location
Date of Birth
11 Sumorah
Year of Birth
2100 AD 42 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
It is rumored that Vennik's mother died while giving birth to him. He is extremely sensitive to the subject and does not like to talk about it
Current Residence
Owns permanent residence in the city of Bryn, currently residing in long-term lodging at The Gilded Mare
Male human
Dark brown
Short, black, slicked straight back with shaved sides
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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