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Orangechalcum is a unique form of orichalcum, found exclusively within Whisper Brook Mine of the Greenwood. The rusty-orange metal is one of the hardest metals on Terramora, yet retains a shockingly light weight and features minimal wear by natural means, making it one of the most valuables metals for its combined rarity and utility.


Material Characteristics

Orangechalcum features a deep rusty-orange hue that has a surprising lack of luster. Over time it will patina to look almost identical to freshly polished copper in color.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Orangechalcum is considered among the hardest metals known to all mankind. Shockingly, the metal is also surprisingly light, giving it the best hardness-to-weight ratio of any metal on the planet. Additionally, orangechalcm has to have extreme resistance to any form of natural wear and decay. Neither rust, nor salt, nor any other organic matter will cause it to wear down. Combat usage, however, will cause wear, though significantly slower than softer metals. Oils, such as body oils, can also cause the color to darken, but otherwise will not affect the condition of orangechalcum.

Origin & Source

The unique ore is believed to have been a direct result of The Separation, as the plateau within which Whisper Brook Mine resides was similarly a product of the catastrophic tectonic event. Though no other source of orangechalcum ore has been discovered, some speculate that it may be found under other high points within the Greenwood which also were produced by the Separation.

History & Usage


Since its inception on the battlefield, orangechalcum has been inextricably tied to the orcs who have controlled its supply since its discovery. Throughout the reign of the orcish raiding parties in the early First Era, orangechalcum inspired fear within the citizens of the Greenwood. During this time, the material was used almost exclusively for combat purposes.


Orangechalcum was discovered by the orcish raiding parties in the early First Era. Having pushed eastward to the current location of Throk'gar Outpost, the orcs discovered the unique ore veins in the cave system beneath the plateau throughout an intricate cave system. The orcs quickly began mining the material and transporting both unprocessed ore and complete weapons and armor throughout the orcish encampments within their territory.

Everyday use

While orangechalcum's most consequential use will forever remain in the sphere of combat, the rare metal has found extensive use in the Greenwood in far more simple uses. Items such as buttons and other sorts of fasteners, cutlery, tools, and such wares are commonly found being used within the Greenwood. These items are typically recastings from old battle-ruined equipment, and tend to last generations within families.


Orangechalcum is mined in an ore state from Whisper Brook Mine, and must be refined before being cast into its final state. The smelting process is quite labor intensive as it requires steady heat over a long period of time in order to properly melt.


The greatest danger in the refinement process is the length of time for which the flame must be stoked. While the refinement process among the orcs is still unknown, among the Greenwood Culture the process is usually kept small and run in shifts in order to ensure the lowest likelihood of failure.

Reusability & Recycling

Due to the metal's hardness, it is easier to melt down again and recast into a new product than it is to repair, resulting in a much smaller volume of combat gear in existence and far more home and industrial goods over time. These good are in such abundance within the Greenwood that they are rather standard. However, a worn sword or shield could be sold for hundreds of gold to be recast into small, relatively indestructible goods that sell for exceptionally high prices.


Trade & Market

The market for orangechalcum is relatively small due to the extremely low volume of the material that is available. While the metal is fairly common within the Greenwood, the low amount of trade going in and out of the region prevents much of the orangechalcum from seeing the light of day outside the wood. As a result, the value of orangechalcum remains relatively low within the forest while simultaneously growing exponentially the further one gets from Dendralis. A pair of buttons may go for 5cp within the Greenwood, while on distant shores it would be valued up to nearly 5gp. With this low amount of trade, it is extremely rare to see weaponry or armor being traded outside of Dendralis, or even enough of the metal in one place to be recast into such items.

3gp / lb.
Extremely Rare - Only found in Whisper Brook Mine
Deep rusty-orange
Common State
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Summer Camp 2024 Submission
Resistant Material
Resistant Material - ID: 5838312
by Blue Fairy 74
All images other than the Summer Camp 2024 logo were created by the author with Bing Copilot | Designer
"Orangechalcum" Generated with AI ∙ July 26, 2024 at 8:56 PM


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