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Throk'gar Outpost

Throk'gar Outpost, situated on the edge of the Eastern Greenwood, serves as a stronghold for Orcish resilience atop a plateau northwest of Breakwater Falls. Governed by tribal leadership, the outpost prioritizes security and welfare, fortified by sturdy defenses and disciplined warriors. With rudimentary infrastructure and access to natural resources, Throk'gar stands as a testament to Orcish endurance amidst Terramora's ever-changing landscape.


Throk'gar Outpost is almost entirely inhabited by Orcs. On the rare ocassion, an exile will join the Orcish tribe, after which some Half-Orcs have been known to be born into the community.


Throk'gar Outpost operates under a tribal system of governance, led by a chieftain who holds both political and military authority. The chieftain is typically chosen based on a combination of leadership qualities, combat prowess, and lineage, with succession often ocurring through trials of strength and skill. While the chieftain wields significant power, decision-making within the community may also involve consultation with tribal elders or influential members of the outpost. The government's primary focus is on ensuring the security and welfare of the Orcish inhabitants, as well as maintaining territorial boundaries and protecting against external threats.


Throk'gar Outpost stands as a bastion of Orcish strength atop its natural fortress, the plateau to the northwest of Breakwater Falls. Perched upon steep cliffs and rugged terrain, the outpost enjoys formidable natural defenses that have been further fortified to deter potential adversaries. Encircling the perimeter of Throk'gar Outpost are sturdy palisade walls crafted from timber harvested from the surrounding forests. These imposing barriers, reinforced with sharpened stakes and fortified gates, serve as the outpost's primary line of defense, warding off ground-based assaults and unauthorized entry. Watchtowers strategically positioned along the palisade walls provide elevated vantage points from which sentries maintain constant vigilance over the surrounding landscape. Trained from a young age in the arts of warfare, Orcish warriors undergo rigorous military training, honing their combat skills and proficiency in defensive tactics. Disciplined and battle-hardened, they stand ready to repel any threat to their homeland, ensuring the security and sovereignty of Throk'gar Outpost against all adversaries.


Throk'gar Outpost boasts rudimentary infrastructure tailored to the needs of its Orcish inhabitants. The outpost itself is constructed from sturdy timber and stone, utilizing materials sourced from the surrounding plateau. Buildings are arranged in a compact layout within the outpost's boundaries, featuring communal structures such as the chieftain's hall, barracks, and communal gathering areas. Defensive fortifications, including palisades and watchtowers, are strategically positioned along the perimeter to safeguard against potential threats.   Basic amenities such as crude shelters, cooking pits, and water wells are scattered throughout the outpost to meet the daily needs of its residents. Limited agricultural plots may be cultivated within the outpost, primarily for subsistence farming purposes, although the harsh environment of the plateau imposes constraints on agricultural productivity.


Throk'gar Outpost boasts a rich and storied history, dating back to a time shrouded in the mists of antiquity. Originally established as a forward stronghold during the ancient conflicts between Orcs and Elves, the outpost served as a bulwark against incursions from rival factions. Positioned strategically on the edge of Orcish territory, it played a pivotal role in safeguarding the ancestral lands of its inhabitants.   However, with the cataclysmic event known as The Separation, the landscape beneath Throk'gar shifted dramatically, elevating the outpost to its current plateau perch. Despite the upheaval, the Orcs of Throk'gar remained steadfast, adapting to their new surroundings and forging a resilient community atop the elevated plateau. Over the centuries, Throk'gar Outpost has weathered numerous trials and tribulations, from clashes with neighboring factions to internal struggles for leadership. Yet through it all, the outpost has endured, a testament to the indomitable spirit and resilience of its people. Today, Throk'gar stands as a testament to the enduring strength and perseverance of the Orcish race, a symbol of defiance against the winds of change that buffet the world of Terramora.


Throk'gar Outpost's architecture mirrors the rugged pragmatism of its Orcish inhabitants. Constructed from local materials like stone and timber, the outpost features sturdy buildings with thick walls and heavy gates, emphasizing security and durability over ornamentation. Huts and longhouses dominate the landscape, their rough exteriors blending with the surroundings, while defensive structures like lookout towers provide strategic vantage points. Despite its utilitarian nature, the architecture exudes a raw beauty, showcasing the Orcs' resilience and connection to the land.


Nestled within the vast expanse of The Greenwood, Throk'gar Outpost occupies a commanding position atop a plateau overlooking the surrounding forest. The plateau, once part of the Elderwood, rose during the Separation, granting the outpost a strategic vantage point. Surrounded by dense woodland, the outpost is accessible primarily through rugged forest trails, adding to its natural defenses. To the west lies a gap in the Greenwood, serving as a boundary for Orcish hunting grounds known as the Killing Fields. While the plateau offers a defensible position, it also isolates the outpost, leaving it a solitary enclave amidst the ancient trees of the Greenwood.


Situated within the subtropical zone of Terramora, Throk'gar Outpost experiences a climate influenced by its elevated position on the plateau. While the surrounding Greenwood boasts a comfortable climate characterized by warm summers and mild winters, the outpost's altitude introduces variations in temperature and precipitation. The plateau's higher elevation results in much warmer temperatures in the summer and much cooler temperatures in the winter compared to the forested lowlands. Additionally, the outpost may receive slightly more precipitation, as the plateau's elevation can enhance cloud formation and moisture retention. These climatic differences contribute to the unique environmental conditions experienced by the inhabitants of Throk'gar Outpost, shaping their way of life amidst the Greenwood's verdant landscape.

Natural Resources

Throk'gar Outpost benefits from a mineral rich mine within the plateau. The mine sources the stone with which the outpost has partially been built, along with a variety of ores, which the Orcs used to make their localized version of orcish steel for weapons and armor.
Outpost / Base
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Naming Convention: "Throk'gar" might signify "Thunder Hammer" or "Storm Warrior."


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