Parma Tyelca Document in Terramora | World Anvil
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Parma Tyelca

The Parma Tyelca, or the Book of the Swift, is a lost religious text that was claimed to have been discovered by Maedhros, and used as the source for his founding of Taurétyelca.
  The existence of the Parma Tyelca is heavily disputed by historians and scribes, as there has been no concrete proof of it's existence. After discovering the text, Maedhros was said to have always kept it close by, not allowing anyone else to set eyes upon it as he claimed the power would be too much for the average person to handle. However, after The Separation, no copy of the text was found to be on Maedhros' person, or anywhere within the Darkwood, leaving is existence to be left up to speculation.


The contents of the Parma Tyelca are known only through stories that originate with Maedhros himself, most being told early on in the history of Taurétyelca. Found to be written in an ancient runic script, the text is said to have been inscribed on vellum, and bound in a deep red leather cover that looked essentially brown.
  According to legend, The Book of the Swift detailed unknown realities of the life energy that permeated throughout the Elderwood, specifically that these energies could not only be tapped into, but harvested. To be full of vigor and life energy was to be considered 'swift', and that the most swift were inherently the most pious, or connected with the Elderwood, thus deeming them to be the people who should be leading the masses. Maedhros also acertained the text claimed that swiftness was most easily attained in the eastern wood, inspiring more locals to take up Taurétyelca. Ultimately, it is believed that Maedhros took the Parma Tyelca's words, regardless of it's actual existence, as a manifesto by which he should ultimately be the one to take on full control of the Elderwood.

Historical Details


The Parma Tyelca would be but a blip in history if not for the catastrophe it ulltimately led to. While it inspired the founding of Taurétyelca, it would have largely been ignored by the masses had it served only the one purpose. However, as the beliefs it was claimed to hold inspired the Dagortauré, it has remained etched in history despite its existence being confirmed only by one person, Maedhros, whose credibility is tainted heavily by his evil actions which he claimed to be inspired by the book.


The Parma Tyelca leaves behind a very dark and complicated legacy. While its existence has never been confirmed, its impact cannot be denied, as evidenced by the massive valleys found on Dendralis as a result of The Separation. Not only is existence up for debate, but so is the threat it would pose should it be found, leaving the Elders of the Greenwood to have a bounty out for the successful recovery of the book, giving the text a dark aura in the collective consciousness.
  Within the Darkwood, the Parma Tyelca is held up as an ancient text of guidance, and it is sought out often, particularly by members of the Cult of Maedhros.

Text, Religious
Vellum / Skin
*Recorded in written word by Talamus Wynned, the fabeled historian of the early Greenwood, this account of the Parma Tyelca is built on the oral traditions of the early Greenwood culture, and may not be exact in it's detail and information. The closest approximation to the contents of this disputed text are built on cross referencing many interviews with early members of the Greenwood Culture many years after The Separation.   All images other than the Summer Camp 2024 logo were created by the author with Bing Copilot | Designer
"The Separation" Generated with AI ∙ July 3, 2024 at 10:36 AM
"Maedhros" Generated with AI ∙ July 2, 2024 at 9:56 PM


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