Maedhros Character in Terramora | World Anvil
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Elder/Father/Pater Maedhros

Maedhros was an Aéldelinian Elder, founder of Taurétyelca, and leader of the Dark Alliance. He is best known as the head of the Dagortauré, an attempt by the Dark Alliance to seize control of the Elderwood for themselves. His death was viewed as escalating him into martyrdom for the follwers of Taurétyelca, resulting in a fanatical shift of the religion into the Cult of Maedhros.   The name Maedhros meant Fearless One (Mae means "well" or "good" and dhros means "fearless"), leaving many to speculate that his fate brought on by his name also spelled out his downfall.  

Early Life

Little is known about Maedhros' life prior to the founding of Taurétyelca. Raised on modest means in the eastern wood of the Elderwood, Maedhros was involved heavily in the arcane schools of alteration and conjuration, dabbling also in the alchemical arts. He was well known for his stoic demeanor and ability to handle issues with a calm and equal touch, leading to him being sought for the role of Elder at a much younger age than most other Elders.

The Parma Tyelca

According to legend, Maedhros' life path changed when he discovered the Parma Tyelca, a religious manuscript he was said to have found while exploring a cave in the eastern wood. The Parma Tyelca (or Book of the Swift), written in a simplistic runic script that found occassionally among the ruins of the east, supposedly told the importance of harvesting the life energy that existed within the Elderwood, and that those with the most life energy and vigor - known as the 'swift' - were those bound to lead the Elderwood to glory. It is said that the Parma Tyelca explained that the strongest energies in the Elderwood existed in the eastern wood, and that the Swift of the east were the natural leaders for the entire forest.
  Maedhros' demeanor shifted almost overnight, as he became prone to fits of passion that he had not exemplified beforehand. Taking the lessons to heart, he inspired Aéldelinians up and down the eastern shoreline to began practicing Taurétyelca as a localized form of Taurévarna, claiming that tapping into the local energies of the land would bring additional life force to each adherent, making them stronger and more pious. Maedros went on to grow the footprint of Taurétyelca over a course of four decades, resulting in his title of Father becoming more commonly used than that of Elder, though he was able to remain stoically composed during all official duties as an Elder.

The Dark Alliance

The formation of the Dark Alliance has remained unclear, as every member other than Maedhros himself was killed in the collapse of the Great Hall as a result of the Dagortauré. It is believed that Maedhros recruited the seven members of the Dark Alliance through his evangelism of Taurétyelca, promising the members great power after seizing control over the Elderwood.  

Dagortauré and The Separation

At the final Convention of Elders in Time Immemorial, the Maedhros-led Dark Alliance attempted to seize power through means of political sabatoge and arcance enchantments. First levying an extreme accusation that other Elders were attempting to seize power, the Dark Alliance sowed chaos among the Convention as means to allow themselves to assembly for their assault. The Great Hall being an octagonal room proveded the Dark Alliance the perfect alignment to spread out equally in the space before initiating their great arcane binding over the crowd, known as the Dagortauré.
  Maedhros' had the Taurétyelcans summoning their energy for the Dark Alliance remotely, claiming that they would be doing a cleansing ritual for the Elderwood. However, the estimations of the energy needed to bind the entire Elderwood were greatly underestimated, causing the forest to rebel and break the binding over the land and the convention. This failing of the Dagortauré allowed the Elders to subdue the Dark Alliance violently, albeit too late to prevent the land from beginning a catastrophic tectonic shift, known today as The Separation. The week long shifting resulted in newly emerged valleys around the continent, and catastrophic flooding across the oceans.


Maedhros was the only member of the Dark Alliance to survive The Separation, as his nearly lifeless body was dragged out by a group of Elders seeking to affirm some form of justice through the great catastrophe going on around them. After the land had ceased quaking and The Separation was believed to be over, the surviving Elders in the southern Elderwood tried Maedhros in the first and only capital trial held by the Convention of Elders. In a quick and pointed trial, the Convention came to a decision that could best be described as 'swift' - Maedhros was to be hung for his crimes against the Aéldelinians. Hung from one of the great Eldertrees, Maedhros was confirmed dead only 8 days after unleashing the Dagortauré on the Elderwood, and causing The Separation. His body was left to hang on display for all to see for a full week, symbolizing the week of hell that his actions had brought upon the Elderwood.


Word of Maedhros demise eventually reached the survivors in the eastern Elderwood, leaving them incensed, as they believed Maedhros to be savior of the Elderwood, rather than the traitor he was. This news immediately raised him to the status of martyr among the Taurétyelcans, as their religious practices quickly became focused on evil, darkness, and retribution for the assumed sins of all other Aéldelinians who had not seen the light of Taurétyelca. Their practices gave way to a cult-like worshipping of Maedhros and hung the eastern forest in a darkness from which is has not recovered, giving the forest it's apt name - The Darkwood. Today, the Cult of Maedhros lives on in the Darkwood, adding to the inhospitible realties of the eastern shoreline.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

For the followers of the Cult of Maedhros, he is symbolized by the shape of an octagon with an 'X' through it, symbolizing the Dagortauré, which his followers believe to be a cleansing enchantment for the land. Finding this symbol outside of the Darkwood is often cause for great concern.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Already among the taller end of Aéldelinians, Maedhros was known for being an imposing figure, having a significantly broadeer upper body thanthe average lean Aéldelinian male. He also has a uniquely large, hooked nose, and an unforgettable double helix scar underneath his right eye.

Apparel & Accessories

Known almost exclusively for simplicity and stoicism for much of his years, Maedhros was barely seen without his dark brown Elder's cloak after his appointment. With his hood up the vast majority of the time, his attire only added to the imposing look he carried.

Personality Characteristics

Representation & Legacy

Within The Greenwood, and across much of Dendralis for that matter, Maedhros is remembered as the face of evil, and a representation of the one rotten apple that can spoil an entire bunch. While he is rarely used in ways beyond tales of The Separation, his visage is used occassionally in holiday celebrations in which dark beings are conquered by those of the light - common in the western lands.
  Maedhros' legacy within the Darkwood is one of reverence, however. Worshipped by cult members, he is even revered by the residents of the forest who do not follow the teachings of the cult. Among these citizens, he is viewed as a fighter for what is right, and a second coming of his spirit is awaited to return glory to the eastern lands of Dendralis.



Maedhros accent was distinct from everyone around him, as he slowly began to roll his r's over time, having a unique speech pattern all his own by the time he had stumbled across the Parma Tyelca.
Divine Classification
Circumstances of Death
Hanged; Sentenced for instigating The Separation
Place of Death
The Greenwood
Long Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, heavy wrinkles
174 lbs
*Recorded in written word by Talamus Wynned, the fabeled historian of the early Greenwood, this biography is built on the oral traditions of the early Greenwood culture, and may not be exact in it's detail and information. The closest approximation to the story of Maedhros was built through cross referencing numerous interviews for accuracy and validity.     All images other than the Summer Camp 2024 logo were created by the author with Bing Copilot | Designer
"The Separation" Generated with AI ∙ July 3, 2024 at 10:36 AM
"Maedhros" Generated with AI ∙ July 2, 2024 at 9:56 PM


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