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Return of Maedhros

The Return of Maedhros is a prophetic legend from the Cult of Maedhros, which tells the tale of how Maedhros is expected to return to the land of Dendralis and unite its people in preparation of the Last Event. Due to the secrecy of the Cult, the details of the prophecy are murky, and multiple variations of the prophecy have been shared beyond the Darkwood.


The Return Prophecy begins with the resurrection of Maedhros from the dead. Upon his rise from the dead, Maedhros is meant to unite the peoples of Dendralis, starting in the Darkwood where his is to be welcomed with open arms. The unification process will be one the people of the continent will be unable to oppose, making it so all Dendralins follow the Pater Tyelca into what has been dubbed the Last Event, which will bring about the unification or destruction of Terramora, if all do not fall under the one true leader.


The Return Prophecy is common knowledge throughout the Darkwood, but sees a surprisingly low spread throughout the rest of Dendralis. Treated as a sort of local legend, discussions of the Prophecy are most commonly shared in taverns late at night, along with legends of terrifying creatures hiding deep in the Greenwood.

Variations & Mutation

As the prophecy is kept in secret within the Cult of Maedhros, the only known versions of the legend come from captured cultists, with each account seemingly having differences in the exact details. For example, Maedhros' resurrection is commonly viewed as coming from a necromantic ritual by the cult, while some cultists have reported Maedhros would rise on his own when the time was right, elevating him from the status of martyr up to that of deity. Similarly, the methods by which unity is to be achieved are murky, with force or charisma seeming to be the expected modes. Ultimately, exact details of the Return Prophecy are murky and vary widely from account to account, but with a constant aim to bring the Pater Tyelca back to rule in his supposed rightful place.

Cultural Reception

While the Return Prophecy holds exceptional weight within the Darkwood, it sees a varied reception across Dendralis. Many scoff at the attempts of the Cult of Maedhros to rule over the world, as necromancy is an old, yet failed arcane art, similar to ancient and unsuccessful alchemical process of transmutation. Others, particularly those who have encountered the Cult directly, face the prophecy with fear and support militaristic excursions into the Darkwood to exterminate the Cult.

Date of First Recording
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"Maedhros' Resurrection" Generated with AI ∙ August 1, 2024 at 10:03 AM
"The Maedhrune" Generated with AI ∙ July 30, 2024 at 5:39 PM
"Maedhros" Generated with AI ∙ July 2, 2024 at 9:56 PM


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