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Welton Tree

The Welton Trees, towering giants of the Welton Grove, are slow-growing species with immense cultural and ecological significance. Beginning as small saplings, they gradually develop into majestic trees that dominate the landscape, providing habitat for diverse wildlife and supporting the ecosystem. Revered by the inhabitants of Weltondale, these trees offer not only shelter but also medicinal resources, with their bark prized for its healing properties. Endemic to the Welton Grove, the Welton Trees stand as guardians of their ancestral home, deeply rooted in the history and heritage of the region.   The origins of the Welton Trees are mirred in uncertainty. Scholars and spiritualists alike have been unable to determine if Welton Trees are a direct descendent of Eldertrees, or if both species are descended from an even earlier ancestor. The accepted theory on both a scientific and spiritual level, though, is that the two species of towering giants are indeed close relatives in some way.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Welton Trees are slow-growing, long-lived species that can reach towering heights over centuries. They begin as small saplings, taking root in the rich soil of the Welton Grove. Over the years, they gradually develop sturdy trunks and expansive canopies, becoming the towering giants that dominate the grove. Despite their slow growth, Welton Trees are resilient and adaptable, capable of withstanding the challenges of their environment and persisting for generations.

Ecology and Habitats

Welton Trees thrive in the lush, temperate forests of the Welton Grove, where they play a vital role in the ecosystem. Their towering stature provides habitat and shelter for a diverse array of wildlife, including birds, squirrels, and insects. The fallen leaves and branches of the Welton Trees contribute to the nutrient cycle of the forest floor, enriching the soil and supporting the growth of understory vegetation. Moreover, the dense foliage of the Welton Trees helps to regulate temperature and humidity, creating a microclimate that sustains life within the grove.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Welton Trees hold immense cultural significance for the inhabitants of Weltondale, who rely on them for various purposes. The sturdy canopies of the Welton Trees support the homes, businesses, and all other buildings as the Welts live entirely in the trees of Weltondale. Additionally, the bark of the Welton Trees contains compounds with medicinal properties, often used in herbal remedies to treat ailments and promote wellness. However, the residents of Weltondale practice sustainable harvesting methods to ensure the long-term viability of the Welton Grove and preserve the integrity of their ancestral home.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Welton Trees are endemic to the Welton Grove, a forested region located in the eastern reaches of the Greenwood. Within the grove, they are most abundant in areas with rich, well-drained soil and ample sunlight. While they may occasionally be found in other forested areas across Terramora, their distribution is limited by their specific habitat requirements. The Welton Grove remains the primary stronghold of these majestic trees, where they are deeply intertwined with the cultural and ecological fabric of the region.
Scientific Name
Faelanorë Welthorën
1,200-3,200 years
Conservation Status
High Importance: Under continuous conservancy efforts due to it's cultural significance - Assembly of Healers
Average Height
150-250 feet
Geographic Distribution
Naming Convention: "Faelanorë" represents "great tree" or "tree of significance," while "Welthorën" signifies "Welton," emphasizing their connection to the grove and the village.


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