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Weltondale, nestled deep within the heart of the Eastern Greenwood, is a traditional half-elf village boasting a population of approximately 402 inhabitants known as Welts. Governed by a Council of Elders, the village prides itself on upholding ancient traditions and fostering harmony among its residents. Weltondale's defenses leverage the natural environment of the Greenwood, with the village blending seamlessly into the forest surroundings. The infrastructure, intricately woven into the towering Welton trees, reflects the village's commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. Weltondale offers a rare glimpse into a hidden world untouched by modern civilization, attracting adventurous travelers seeking to experience the pristine beauty and traditional way of life of the ancient Elderwood. In recent times, the Welton tree grove has stopped growing beyond its current bounds, and new trees can't be planted, perplexing the citizens of Weltondale.


The population of Weltondale is approximately 402, with the vast majority being half-elves, known as Welts. This traditional half-elf village lies deep in the heart of The Greenwood, where its inhabitants proudly uphold the ancient traditions of the forest. Living harmoniously with their surroundings, the Welts demonstrate empathy, resourcefulness, and a strong sense of community. Their lifestyle is deeply connected to the land, reflecting the old elven customs of the Greenwood.   Welts are known for their traditional attire, which heavily relies on natural materials lightly processed. These garments aid in camouflaging the citizens within the Greenwood, blending seamlessly with their surroundings. As caretakers of the forest, the Welts value privacy and maintain a close-knit community focused on mutual support and cooperation. Travelers often remark on the unique culture and values of Weltondale, describing its inhabitants as caring, empathetic, and deeply connected to their environment.


Weltondale is governed by a Council of Elders, consisting of four men and four women who are chosen based on their wisdom, experience, and dedication to the community. The Council serves as both spiritual and worldly guides for the village, upholding the ancient traditions of the Greenwood and ensuring harmony among the inhabitants. Decisions are made through consensus, with each Elder having an equal voice in discussions and deliberations. The central meeting place for the Council of Elders is The Welton Tree, the largest and oldest of the Welton Trees in the grove, located at the heart of the village.   The government of Weltondale operates on a principle of minimal intervention, reflecting the peaceful and cooperative nature of the village. Conflicts are rare, and when they arise, they are typically resolved through informal dialogue and mediation within the community. The Council of Elders acts as mediators, providing guidance and wisdom based on the traditions of the Greenwood to help resolve disputes and maintain harmony.   In addition to their role in conflict resolution, the Council of Elders also serves as custodians of Weltondale's cultural heritage and natural environment. They oversee rituals and ceremonies that honor the forest and its inhabitants, ensuring that the traditions of the Greenwood are preserved for future generations. The Elders also work to foster a deep connection between the villagers and their surroundings, encouraging a sense of stewardship and respect for the land.   Despite their authority, the Elders of Weltondale are humble and approachable, often seen as wise mentors and trusted advisors by the villagers. Their leadership is characterized by empathy, compassion, and a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all living beings. Through their guidance, Weltondale thrives as a peaceful and harmonious community, where individuals work together for the common good and the preservation of their way of life.


Weltondale's defenses are primarily natural and strategic, leveraging the unique environment of the Greenwood for protection. Built into the towering Welton trees, the village blends seamlessly with the forest surroundings, making it difficult for potential threats to locate. Wooden walkways and platforms wind around the trunks and branches of the trees, providing pathways for the villagers while also serving as potential vantage points for defense. Strategically placed vine ropes offer practical transportation options for the villagers and can serve as a means of defense in times of need, providing additional mobility and flexibility.   The village also maintains a defensive ranger unit, the Weltondale Rangers, composed of skilled individuals trained in woodland warfare and survival tactics. This ranger unit serves as the first line of defense for Weltondale, patrolling the surrounding forest and keeping a vigilant watch for any signs of danger. In times of crisis, the rangers can be mobilized to protect the village and its inhabitants, ensuring the safety and security of Weltondale against external threats.

Industry & Trade

Natural medicines are the main export of Weltondale. Many members of the Assembly of Healers in Weltondale are apothecary suppliers, harnessing the healing power of the land to create remedies highly sought after throughout the Greenwood.


Weltondale's infrastructure is intricately woven into the towering Welton trees, utilizing the natural features of the forest to create a unique and harmonious living environment. Wooden walkways and platforms wind around the trunks and branches of the trees, providing pathways for the villagers to navigate the village. In addition to these walkways, vine ropes are strategically placed, allowing the villagers to swing from tree to tree with ease. These vine ropes serve as both a practical means of transportation and a source of joy for the Welts, who often traverse the village with agile grace.   At the heart of Weltondale stands The Welton Tree, the largest and oldest Welton tree in the grove. This ancient tree serves as the central meeting place for the Council of Elders and holds great significance for the village. Its gnarled branches reach high into the canopy, providing shade and shelter for the villagers during gatherings and ceremonies. The Welton Tree is revered as a symbol of strength, wisdom, and community unity, serving as a constant reminder of Weltondale's deep connection to the forest.   The structures of Weltondale are designed to blend seamlessly with the forest surroundings, minimizing their impact on the natural environment. The buildings are constructed from locally sourced materials, primarily wood from the Welton trees, and are built to withstand the elements while maintaining a rustic charm. This careful construction allows the village to remain hidden among the trees, with the ability to completely disappear from view if threatened by outside forces. Despite its camouflaged appearance, Weltondale is a vibrant and bustling community, with communal areas such as gathering spaces and ceremonial sites nestled among the branches of the ancient trees.

Guilds and Factions

Weltondale Rangers

The Weltondale Rangers are a vital defense force within the village, organized to protect Weltondale and its inhabitants from external threats. Every resident of Weltondale is required to enroll in the Rangers, ensuring that the entire community is involved in its own defense. Upon enrollment, individuals are assigned to teams, and when needed for security or defense, varying numbers of teams are deployed. The Rangers are highly trained in forest warfare and utilize the natural camouflage of the Welton trees to their advantage.

Assembly of Healers

The Assembly of Healers is a coalition of healers from the Breakwater region of the Greenwood, comprising herbalists, alchemists, witches, wizards, warlocks, clerics, druids, and more. Predominantly composed of female members, the Assembly fosters positive and nurturing relations between healers of all disciplines. Its primary objective is to prevent conflicts and promote cooperation among healers, ensuring the well-being of the community and the preservation of healing arts within Weltondale and beyond.   The Assembly of Healers plays a crucial role in supplying natural medicines to the wider region and fosters the belief that the land will heal you if you heal the land. Mother Nature is their most-worshipped deity, embodying the villagers' reverence for the healing power of the natural world.


Weltondale, nestled deep within the heart of the Greenwood, traces its roots back to the Mythic Era, around 2218 1E. It was founded at the site of the original Welton tree, revered as The Welton Tree, which stands as the largest and most significant tree in the entire grove. From its humble beginnings, Weltondale has evolved into a tranquil and harmonious village, embodying the essence of peace and cooperation.   The village operates under a principle of minimal intervention, guided by a Council of Elders composed of wise men and women chosen for their dedication to the community. Conflict is a rarity in Weltondale, and disputes are resolved through informal dialogue and mediation within the close-knit community. This approach reflects the village's commitment to upholding the ancient customs and traditions of the Greenwood, fostering a deep sense of connection between its inhabitants and the natural world.   Throughout its history, Weltondale has remained steadfast in its reverence for the forest and its inhabitants. The village serves as a sanctuary where the Welts, as the villagers are known, live in harmony with nature, drawing sustenance and inspiration from the lush surroundings. The legacy of Weltondale is one of resilience, unity, and reverence for the land, ensuring that its rich history endures for generations to come.   Weltondale celebrates a yearly holiday centered around the birth of the planet. The Welton tree serves as a focal point of this holiday, symbolizing the village's deep connection to the land and the cycle of life within the Greenwood.

Points of interest

Weltondale boasts a variety of captivating points of interest, each contributing to the village's unique charm and allure. From the majestic Welton Tree at the heart of the settlement to the serene Whispering Grove on its outskirts, these landmarks offer visitors a glimpse into the rich tapestry of life within the Greenwood.  

The Welton Tree

As the largest Welton tree in the grove and the centerpiece of the village, the Welton Tree holds significant cultural and spiritual importance to the residents of Weltondale. It serves as the central meeting place for the Council of Elders and is revered as a symbol of unity and connection to the Greenwood. During the yearly holiday, the Welton Tree takes on added significance, becoming a focal point of celebration and reverence for the villagers.  

The Ranger Outposts

Hidden within the branches of the Welton trees, the ranger outposts serve as the first line of defense for Weltondale. Manned by skilled rangers, these outposts are strategically positioned to monitor and protect the village from potential threats.  

The Healing Pavilion

Located in a secluded glade within the village, the Healing Pavilion is a tranquil sanctuary where residents and visitors can receive care and treatment from the skilled healers of Weltondale. Run by the Assembly of Healers, this pavilion offers a wide range of herbal remedies, magical treatments, and spiritual guidance.  

The Whispering Grove

A sacred grove of ancient trees on the outskirts of Weltondale, the Whispering Grove is said to be imbued with mystical energies and spiritual significance. It is a place of meditation, reflection, and communion with nature, where residents can connect with the spirits of the Greenwood.


Weltondale, nestled deep within the heart of the Greenwood, remains largely untouched by tourism due to its secluded location and challenging accessibility. Unlike the bustling gateway villages like Aleura, Weltondale is hidden amidst dense underbrush and towering trees, with no established dirt paths leading to its doorstep. The village's remote position discourages casual tourists, as reaching it requires traversing rugged terrain or navigating through the forest canopy. Despite its limited accessibility, Weltondale offers a rare opportunity for adventurous travelers to experience the pristine beauty and traditional way of life of the ancient Greenwood.   While the village may not actively court tourism, its unique position within the Greenwood offers a rare glimpse into a hidden world untouched by the modern trappings of civilization. For those adventurous enough to seek it out, Weltondale promises an unforgettable journey into the heart of the ancient forest, where the secrets of the Greenwood await discovery.


Weltondale's architecture harmoniously integrates with the natural environment of the Greenwood. Built into the Welton trees, the village features wooden walkways and platforms winding around the trunks and branches, facilitating navigation. Constructed primarily from locally sourced materials, especially wood from the Welton trees, the buildings boast rustic charm while withstanding the elements. This approach reflects the village's commitment to sustainability and its desire to coexist harmoniously with nature. Structures are strategically positioned to minimize disruption to the surrounding ecosystem, showcasing Weltondale's dedication to environmental stewardship.   At the heart of Weltondale lies The Welton Tree, the largest tree in the grove and a revered symbol within the community. Serving as a meeting place for the Council of Elders and a focal point for communal gatherings, The Welton Tree epitomizes the spiritual connection between the villagers and the forest. Its towering presence evokes a sense of awe and reverence, embodying the village's reverence for the land and its profound ties to the ancient Greenwood. Weltondale's architecture, blending natural materials with traditional craftsmanship, reflects its deep respect for nature and its commitment to preserving the timeless beauty of the Greenwood.


Weltondale, nestled deep within the heart of the Greenwood, boasts a unique geographical setting characterized by dense forest and towering Welton trees. Situated at the site of the original Welton Tree, the village serves as a central hub within the grove, its location contributing to its seclusion and serene atmosphere. Accessible only by winding paths through the underbrush or via elevated walkways among the trees, Weltondale remains hidden from casual passersby, fostering a sense of tranquility and isolation.   Surrounded by lush vegetation, rolling hills, and meandering streams, Weltondale's landscape exudes natural beauty and tranquility. The towering canopies of the Welton trees dominate the skyline, casting dappled shadows over the village below. The gentle murmuring of nearby streams and the rustling of leaves in the breeze create a soothing ambiance, enhancing the village's connection to the rhythms of nature. Despite its remote location, Weltondale's geography invites visitors to immerse themselves in the timeless beauty of the Greenwood, offering a sanctuary of peace and serenity amidst the forest's embrace.


Weltondale shares the same temperate climate as the surrounding Greenwood, characterized by stable weather patterns and mild temperatures throughout the year. Shielded by the dense canopy of the Welton trees, the village experiences minimal temperature fluctuations and enjoys a comfortable environment even during extreme weather conditions.   The summer months in Weltondale are warm and pleasant, with temperatures ranging from the upper 70s to the mid-80s Fahrenheit. The forest canopy provides ample shade, keeping the village cool and sheltered from the heat of the sun. Summer rains are frequent but gentle, nourishing the rich soil and sustaining the lush vegetation of the Greenwood.   The winter month in Weltondale is mild, with temperatures typically ranging from the upper 50s to the mid-60s Fahrenheit. The Welton trees shed a portion of their leaves during this time, allowing filtered sunlight to penetrate the canopy and create a serene and tranquil atmosphere throughout the village.

Natural Resources

Weltondale is nestled deep within the lush and verdant heart of the Greenwood, surrounded by a wealth of natural resources that sustain both its inhabitants and the delicate ecosystem of the forest. Among these resources, one of the most prized is the Welton Blossom, delicate flowers that bloom once a year on the majestic Welton trees that dominate the village landscape. These blossoms emit a sweet fragrance that attracts pollinators and adds to the beauty of the village, serving as a symbol of the harmony between the inhabitants of Weltondale and their natural surroundings.   In addition to the Welton Blossoms, the forest surrounding Weltondale provides a bounty of medicinal herbs, edible plants, and materials for crafting. Herbalists and healers within the village harvest these resources with care, using them to create remedies, potions, and salves that are highly sought after throughout the Greenwood. The Welton trees themselves are a valuable resource, providing sturdy wood that is used in construction and crafting within the village. Despite its remote location, Weltondale thrives thanks to the abundance of natural resources that sustain its inhabitants and foster a deep connection to the land.
Founding Date
2218 1E
Alternative Name(s)
the Hidden Village
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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