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Session 6: First day in Coral

General Summary

The Band of the Unfettered Dawn arrived in Coral on the 28th of Saererys, 2 days before the new year ends. Electing to camp outside the village rather than be boarded within, the soldiers quickly went about creating their camp. Ashur instructed Bell, Sarsia, and Gerard to go out and attempt to uncover information as best as they were able.   Bell elected to head to the Temple of the Three Divine Patrons, where the local nobility often gathered. She met the daughter of the Braleccae Family, the Vasari Family's rivals in Beryl relaxing in the evening with Girardo Montelefante, the Brother of the Facet, who oversaw the temple. Girardo was well dressed compared to those more ascetic brothers. Rina seemed young though perceptive. They discussed matters regarding the cult activities when prompt, with Girardo being certain it was the sorcerer, Mirko Halcyos, who was behind it. Rina seemed less committal, though she did not defend the sorcerer. She mentioned how she had hoped to take her friends with him to see his 'magic show' before he had been driven off. The two spoke of the festival that would be occurring on the 30th.   Ashur had, once secreted away in his command tent, sacrificed his own blood which he drank to commune with the Radiant Wing of the Dawn. He asked him questions, though the answers were not direct. He learned that the Hand of the Shadow had friends (but not masters) who were aiding them, with the implication that if he could correctly identify who has been working in tandem, he could use the right pressures to have them shine light on the pirates. He also learned that the pirates' end goal is not truly Coral, but the 'ocean's gem'.   Gerard and Sarsia went to investigate the Sorcerer, Mirko Halcyos, who lived by the wharves in the public house owned by the Coral Family. Sarsia portrayed herself as a healer wanting to assist. Though they had sought to find some evidence that he was involved in the cult, they did not, and it seemed as though the sorcerer was genuine and it was simply fear and the reputation of magic among the less refined that led to his slight ostracization by the people. Sarsia was able to earn his trust enough that he might be willing to work or share information with the Band in the future.   Without orders from Ashur, Lucia went into the town, where she was swept off her feet into a circus performance by the acrobatic Amina Lo Conte, a famed duelist who will be putting on a show at the festival on the 30th. She has an open challenge to any duelist to try to face her then, a tradition common in the Gold Coast that serves as a sort of endurance round, usually done in towns where there are not many duelists or dueling schools. She then got involved in a bar fight with a Pirate Hunter named Iole Brighteyes, who was looking for her friend, Nuccia, who had gone missing. She had thought the guy in the tavern was one of the potential suitors of the beautiful clothier, but he claims to know nothing. She mentioned she was friends with a girl named Rina...though it's hard to imagine a noble Braleccae having time for a rough sailor like Iole. The night ended with Lucia thrown in jail along with Iole until she was released in the morning.   The Band reclaimed the Bodyguard at the end of the session.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Amino Lo Conte
  • Girardo Montelefante
  • Iole Brighteyes
  • Mirko Halcyos
  • Rina Braleccae
  • Terzo Coral
Report Date
18 Aug 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location