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The Gold Coast

The Gold Coast is named not for its literal gold (though it has gold mines as well that are some of the most fought over resources in the region) but for the fertility of its riverlands. With the wet winds that come from the Mistlands being blocked by the western Demonspires, the Gold Coast is warm most of the year with cool winter winds. Its coastline is easily defensible thanks to the many islands and the South River is one of the easiest ways to reach the far off Southlands (if one does not wish to brave the Oases Road of the Firelands). Even during the days of the Old Iron Empire, it was considered one of the most profitable provinces, and one of the last from which the Iron Empire withdrew when the Age of Storms began.    Today, the culture of the Gold Coast is dominated by that of the Jeweled Cities, seven city-states that compete against one another for the abundant resources that the Gold Coast provides.

Fauna & Flora

The Gold Coast boasts a large variety of plants. Besides a vast array of homegrown species, there are so many wild plants, especially near the borders with the Jungle of Kar'ack, that an Imperial sage could spend her entire life studying them. Banana, cassava, mango, and other sweet fruits of unknown names grow untended and they are staple elements in the diets of the people of the Gold Coast.   The variety of plants is matched by an equal variety of beasts: from crocodiles lazily swimming in the South River to dangerous tigers in the marshes near Moonstone and countless species of monkeys. What's more, herds of elephants will move through the Gold Coast from the Jungles of Kar'ack and from over the Demonspires from the Savanna. There are several different species of elephants, with the largest being those that come from the Ivory Savanna through the Demonspires to graze seasonally around Elephant Lake. The smallest of the elephant species is the river elephant, a tiny pachyderm (relatively) that use their tusks to dig out food from the river beds, keeping their trunks above water. These elephants are said to be smarter than other elephants and are often kept as pets by nobles from the Jeweled Cities and the cities along the Great Scar.