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Shadewalker is one of the Empress's Chosen. Like all the Chosen, they are referred to in the masculine, though it is known that there are women among their ranks, though few know which. It matters little. Shadewalker is a name that is feared among the Iron Empire's elite, for Shadewalker rarely announces himself when he arrives. Not at first. Shadewalker will often observe, using agents and spies and seeing through their eyes, what is occurring. When he does make himself known, it is as a storm of chaos, catching any who draw to close into the winds of destruction.   Shadewalker is the second of the Empress's Chosen Forged in Iron, though none know who he was before. Like Veilrender, he simply appears in the Record not long after the Empress ascended the Wyrdtower. It is thought that Shadewalker can take on the form of others, which is how he is able to simply appear with fire and fury, knowing exactly who to target, and disappear, even when the marked targets are being supposedly guarded.

Physical Description

Special abilities

He is one of the Chosen Forged in Iron. He is one of the greatest sorcerers 'living' in the Age of Iron. It is said that Shadewalker can meld entirely into darkness. They also say Shadewalker can mask himself in the faces of other people.

Apparel & Accessories

Shadewalker wears a mask over his face that obscures everything, including his eyes. He dresses in blackened leather, except for a few pieces of plate around his shoulders and waste. Two jagged knives can extend from the clawed gauntlets he wears.



Shadewalker never speaks. He is not completely mute, for he will use incantations well enough for magical rituals, but even with his men, he will use a sign language that he himself developed.
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations