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If there was a capital city of the People of Sun and River, it would be Tagos. It sits nearly equidistant from the Shimmering Sea and the Mistlands. It is the largest of the Scar Cities. During the days of the Shadowlord, Tagos itself remained free from his influence, even while other cities fell under his sway. Though there are many kings and princes and at times the Kings of Tagos has lost control of the Great Scar to others, they have always remained a powerful city.


Almost all of the population of Tagos are People of Sun and River. There are a few outsiders who reside there, usually either to trade or to study at the Great Library, but they do not make up much of its population at all.


Tagos is ruled by its monarch, who is one of the Sadhra caste. Those Sadhra who are loyal to them will hold positions of office throughout the city. The Kana will advise and consult the ancient texts. While the Sadhra rule, the Kana have great influence over the people, and the Pumat often have the funds that the Sadhra seek. In this way, no one caste has true control over the city. This results in much debate and negotiations on the part of the monarch to accomplish any of their goals.


Tagos has its walls and a large population that can be levied should the need arise. They also are one of the richer Scar Cities and so often have a stockpile of weapons and supplies to endure long sieges.

Points of interest

The Great Library of Tagos

The Great Library of Tagos is one of the three renowned archives of the Shimmering Sea, along with the University of Al-Zashn and the Imperial Scriptorium. However, the Great Library of Tagos stands above the other two simply because it has some of the oldest texts that are cared for by the Kana, copied and stored to try to ensure that their words are not lost. Many of these ancient texts, however, are not accessible to any outside of the Priest caste. Still, often the Great Library of Tagos has many records, stories, and maps that can be consulted so long as the visitor is willing to make a donation to the Kana.
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