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The Great Scar

The Great Scar is the name of the main river of the Jungles of Kar'ack that starts in the Mistlands and runs all the way way to the Shimmering Sea. It has many tributaries that feed it along the way, and it is along these river valleys, where the jungle is not so thick, that the oldest known civilization still persists to this day: the People of Sun and River. The Great Scar is the widest river in the known world, measuring nearly seven miles at its longest point. It is also said to be longer than the South River, which feeds from mountain springs and a lake in the Demonspires.    Every generation, there is an attempt made (and sometimes several) from people across the Shimmering Sea to find the source of the Great Scar, traveling deep into the Mistlands. Those who return are those who were either driven back or turned back. So far no one has followed the river to its end and come back to tell of it.

Fauna & Flora

There are a great number of Lotus varieties that can only be found along the Great Scar, particularly as one goes closer to the Mistlands. In addition to the fish and waterfowl that live in and about the river, in the slower parts where the current is not so fast, there also dwell crocodiles and Water Bull, a semiaquatic mammal with barrel shaped bodies and wide mouths and big jaws, with sharp tusks and bad temperaments. There are also a good number of poisonous snakes that like to dwell in the rocks and sediment of the river.
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