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The Battle of Cat's Eye Grace

The Conflict


The Dawn Company had been hired by the Boravici Family of Moonstone to help defend their outer villages from external threats. While Moonstone had once been though impregnable, people still remembered the occupation of the Shadowlord not so long ago. The Boravici's War Captain, a man named Luminaster, had received word that the Swords of Khana, led by Agni Nath, had been gathering men to his banner and was moving through the Jungle of Kar'ack towards the village of Cat's Eye Grace. Luminaster had pushed the contract and set the Band of the Unfettered Dawn to the outskirts as a forward guard.   After a long, tiresome night of forced marching thanks to the War Captain's order, the Band of the Unfettered Dawn came upon the plain near the river, not far from the village. The Swords of Khana had reached the plain first and were already deployed. All intelligence had implied the Company would have reached there first. Luminaster was still far behind. Yet knowing a retreat would be far worse with the cavalry and elephants Agni Kath commanded, the Company formed its battle lines in front of the banners of the Swords of Khana as the trumpets sounded.


The Swords of Khana were deployed between the cliffs and the river, giving little room to maneuver. Three divisions of long range archers stood behind the spear wall. In the center were the Ban Spearmen and the Heavy Sadhri Guard for Agni Kath. The Pumat Spearmen were positioned on the flanks, with Sadhri Light Cavalry hidden behind the rocks. Five elephants and their riders were on the east flank. The Champion of the Swords of Khana stood in the center, near Agni Kath and his bodyguard. The Elephant Commander was deployed with the elephants on the east flank   The Band of the Unfettered Dawn, lacking much range support, established their spearline of armored infantry across from the Swords of Khana. Their linebreakers were deployed with Gerard on the western flank. The captain's bodyguard cavalry were deployed behind the spears, ready to protect the back lines from the light cavalry of the Swords of Khana. Lucia had positioned herself behind the enemy during the deployment. Bell on Manaveth had taken the eastern flank. The Javelineers stayed behind the line. The Lieutenant Flint had joined Bell on the eastern Flank. Corva was with Ashur in the front and center.


The Battlefield was a plain between a cliff with a waterfall and small lake and a river. There were several large rocks around it and a large dirt path that was often used to reach the main road through the jungle. The foliage was plentiful but not impossible to maneuver around compared to the jungle proper.


It was just after dawn when the Company arrived. They had been tired from Forced March and given bad intelligence.

The Engagement

The first wave, as the elephants and cavalry charged the unset lines, was particularly rough as men began to break. The sorcery at the disposal of the Swords of Khana terrified the men, but the loud voice of Bellona Nerios Cornelia and the banner of the company held the front lines together. Gerad Hamarrsonr led the Linebreakers on the left flank to engage with the Pumat spearmen, tearing through their quilted armor with relative ease, while Lucia Patafica distracted the sorcerer by engaging his guards. This was when the Swords of Khana sprung the first trap. As the lines were engaged, they revealed they had two additional elephants, hidden within the caves near a waterfall. Taking some soldiers with them, Bell, Lucia, and Gerard disengaged from the enemies to prevent the elephants from catching their spearwall in the flank. With her banner held high, Bell charged with Manaveth, the Razorwing sinking its teeth into the neck of the elephant as it brought it down quickly, though it did not get to enjoy its well-earned feast for long before they had to rejoin the battle.   As the battle continued, the Company Lieutenant fell in battle with the Sadhra guard as the Champion of the Swords of Khana led a charge into the front lines, which began to buckle. Gerard Hamarrsonr brought his Linebreakers in to try to bolster the center, the flanks having been well secured as Manaveth started to terrifying the elephants. The tides of battle were changing but it had been nearly four hours. There was still no sign of the Boravici and Luminaster and many men lay dead on the field.   That is when the Swords of Khana revealed they had an assassin of their own. A Nitashi of Niasha appeared, along with her disciples, from among the ranks of the soldiers. Though her target had been Ashur, Corva had spotted her in time and saved the commander's life, though at the cost of her own. Bell, Gerard, and Lucia had all fallen back towards the center for various reasons and they rushed to defend Ashur's life. Gerard managed to get the Nitashi in his grip and Lucia finished her off.    At this point, the Swords of Khana had begun to route entirely. The forces of the Boravici had arrived and ran them down, completing the contract with the Dawn Company.


The Swords of Khana were defeated. Luminaster arrived at the end to run them down and claim the glory back in Moonstone proper.


The Band of the Unfettered Dawn was reduced to half its number. It chose to not renew its contract with the Boravici Family under Luminaster, but to choose to find employment elsewhere.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ferruday 25th of Aemorys 253
Ending Date
Ferruday 25th of Aemorys 253
Conflict Result
The Band of the Unfettered Dawn was victorious over the Swords of Khana


The Swords of Khana
The Band of the Unfettered Dawn

Led by


Commander: Agni Nath (Battle D8)
4 Elephants 50 x4 =200
1 Sadhra Guard (Heavy Infantry, Veteran troops) = 30 x 3 = 90
3 Pumat Levy Archers (Long Range Missile Troops) 50 x 3 x 2 =300
2 Ban Levy Spearmen (Light Infantry) 100 x 2 x 1 = 200
2 Pumat Levy Spearmen (Medium Infantry) 100 x 2 x 2 = 400
1 Sadhri Cavalry Troop (Light Cavalry) 42 x 5 = 210
Total Force Value = 1400
Commander: Ashur ben-Damos (Battle D8)
1 Company of Javelin throwers (Light Infantry/Short Range missile troops) = 75 x 1 = 75
4 Company of Medium Infantry (Spearmen) 200 x 2 = 400
1 Company of Linebreakers (Heavily armored Infantry with axes, led by Specialist (Guy))) 3 x 50 = 150
1 Company of Captain's Bodyguard (Medium Cavalry, led by a Bodyguard) 25 x 7 = 175
Total Force Value = 900


260 dead, 273 routed
175 dead, Flint, Corva


To conquer the village of Cat's Eye Grace
To prevent the Swords of Khana from threatening Moonstone