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The Rosethorn

High Commander Feather Valoris (a.k.a. The Rosethorn)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Feather Valoris, the Rosethorn, is a woman whose past is shrouded in mystery, by her own efforts. What is known about her is that she is an Imperial, likely originally from the province of Valoresia (by her chosen surname), who likely lived through the Valoresian Rebellion some forty years earlier. She emerged in the Jeweled City of Ruby under this name where she worked with a mercenary company, saving her money and learning the art of war and strategy. She is a known sorceress, using that to both inspire awe in those who follow her and fear in those who face her. She has gone to good lengths to ensure that her True Name is not known, though there are many theories as to who she truly is.   The Rosethorn joined the Broken Crown a little under a decade ago, but has quickly proven to be one of their most brilliant and efficient commanders. Her tenure as High Commander has surpassed the last three of her predecessors, despite the Iron Empire's best efforts to end it. She has the highest bounty of any rebel, as the Empress has put out a command that she would prefer a live capture for the Rosethorn. As the reward for her goes up, it has forced the Rosethorn to travel in disguise and hide herself more and more, though she still makes appearances in the Empire to let them know she is not broken, she is not beaten.
Current Status
Avoiding the Iron Legions and Assassins
Almond shaped Green eyes
Long, Wavy, Dark Red hair
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Irontongue (High and Low), Gemspeak, some Firetongue.

Articles under The Rosethorn