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The Army of the Rosethorn


The Army of the Rosethorn borrows much of its structure from the Imperial Legions but, by necessity, operates with far more independence. Different divisions are led by captains who can and must be able to act without waiting for orders from the Rosethorn. These divisions are also, by necessity, often kept in the dark of what the other divisions are doing or where they are. This is to ensure that if one is compromised, it will have limited impact on the army as a whole. However, this is not a true revolutionary cell as the Rosethorn still expects to be able to gather her troops for battles when needed.


The Army of the Rosethorn sees themselves as the army of liberation, seeking to overthrow the Iron Empire and its Empress. Most who follow the Rosethorn do so because of an unwavering belief that she will bring 'freedom' to the Empire, or at least, a better system than the tyranny of the Empress. Just what this system would look like hardly matters at the moment, for it is a far off dream by any stretch of the imagination. Most seem to be caught up in the Cult of Personality that is the Rosethorn.

Public Agenda

The Army of the Rosethorn seeks to liberate areas under the yoke of the Iron Empire.


The Army of the Rosethorn has political and financial backing from the Jeweled Cities, though not enough to truly warrant a response from the Iron Empire. She is known to have a base in the Peninsula of the Stormwatcher, somewhere in the Forest of Bone, but the Legions have tried and failed to penetrate the haunted Forest to capture her and her forces.


The Army of the Rosethorn came into existence when the Rosethorn raised her banner to the Broken Crown nine years ago. Before that, it was a mercenary band led by the brilliant commander, Feather Valoris. As Feathor Valoris began to meet with success on the field of battle against the Imperial Legions, her army began to grow in fame and infamy (depending on your position). Over the nine years of its existence, it has become the backbone of the Broken Crown, though still greatly outmatched in manpower and resources to the Iron Empire.
Founding Date
Illicit, Rebel
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities