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Allassi was originally a dead Continent, it was inhospitable and forgotten by any sentient species living on Terrani, until Chaos came. Roan found the dark continent suitable as a base to plan his revenge on the Ancients. It was here that the Marid were created and their magic tainted the ground, making it a wasteland. After the fall of Roan, and the eradication of much of the life on Terrani the remaining Draedians settled on Allassi, which gave rise to Zatona, a Draedian tainted by the chaos in the earth left from the Marid. Zatona soon brought about the Great War, at the end of which caused a great upheaval and the entire continent to be transported to another space. The errant magic that caused the upheaveal also caused the continent to become a small planet in it's own right with a single Veil.   The planet sat uninhabited for centuries until the Marid Mallus and his carrier Pheobe found it. From the latent magic permeating the land, Mallus was able to take form again and the two ended up breeding what would soon become the first Allassions. Marid like shifters capable of copying the magic of others.   Currently the Allassion are the only sentient species able to thrive on the world and because of their general connotation with chaos are a relatively demanding and violent species. They have developed a system of government somewhere between Parliamentary and Feudal. They live by the notion that your worth is equivalent to your contribution to society. The strongest Allassion is considered the emperor and insures that each territory follows the rules passed by parliament. Their world is a difficult one to live in so there is a collective thinking of everyone having to do their part and those who work harder are rewarded for their efforts. Currently their emperor is Aern Des Revinatis Suphara Ler (The Beloved Grand Emperor Supreme) (Dante) who by the rules murdered his predecessor in order to take the role. He has discovered a way to traverse between worlds through an ancient never before seen veil.


Allassi is essentially a wasteland due to tainted and unnatural magic that permeated the earth for eons under the rule of Roan, and Zatona before being split off from Terrani. Very little grows in the soil, yet still the Allassion manage to eek out a life here along the great river.

Fauna & Flora

Although life is difficult the Allassion have managed to create agriculture here. Due to the little vegetation it is impossible to keep livestock so aside from small animals and insects the Allassion are the only species able to thrive.
Location under


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